Part 5 Diary Entry

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Part of the Story!

It's been a year since I left them and i'm practically dying! They're torturing me! I can't take it! My body feels like jelly, but i've gotten quite the muscles so no need to complain though a whole lot if you count the feeling of immense pain!

Jellal and Ultear just don't know when to quit do they? It's exactly as one would have to put up with! Well it can't be helped I guess. It's only natural with the way they train so what should I do about it? Just bare with it I guess. Three years and there'll be a chance that my magic power will be controllable which for me is a dream come true! Who would've thought right?

There really isn't really much to talk about after all this entries i'm only gonna write once a year while i'm here. Honestly I don't see any harm in it though if someone sees it then I could see the harm a tiny bit...

"Lucy!" Jellal yelled. "Hurry up we have to continue!"

I guess that'll be all for now then. If I don't hurry i'll get the harshest most painful training course of the century it's really painful!

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