Part 9

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The three people I brought with me are all living in Fairy Hills. I decided that an apartment was better. They went ahead of me to get their marks, but knew to keep me a secret. No one could know I was here yet. I got a nice apartment for about 50,000 Jewels per month. Really cheap. It's about one mission's worth of pay!

Four Years. I look completely different now! I'm happy with it. It's fun and exciting. The look on their faces their reactions? I wonder what they'll be in all honesty!

I walked down the river bank to the guild taking a breath as it got into view. Home sweet home. Hopefully they don't think i'm a ghost or anything like that. That's when I saw the doors slam open and a frantic Natsu running out with a confused Erza and Grey along with Levy, Cana, Mira, Lisanna, and Master. He looked around sniffing the air as if it was his life source and when he saw me he sped up faster then a bullet. I smiled as I was tackled in a hug from the Dragon Slayer.

"LUCE!" I smile and patted his head.

"Hey Natsu! I'm back." At this point the people who followed him were standing there frozen.

"Grey your an ice wizard. You don't freeze." He laughed as he helped me up Natsu still clinging to my hip.

 When we walked into the guild laughing the guild froze as I turned with a blank face then smiled.

"I'm back minna." Cheers were heard as I laughed when I received a bundle of hugs! I was happy. My fears are gone it's as of nothing can stop me anymore.

I don't feel the pain anymore no matter how real it was. Time can't erase my pain it can't but I can fight now they've made a family for me and that's all i've ever wanted. I'm not perfect. Sometimes i'm wondering what my life was like who my real parents were! That's a though for the ages! The pain might be real and yes time can't erase it, but I have people here who help fight away the fears building in me.

I cried and smiled. They all could see I was happy.

"I'm finally home." I said wiping away the tears. "After four years i'm finally home." Erza smiled as did Grey even Natsu! It made me so happy! They make me so happy!

"Yeah you're finally home Luce!" Natsu said giving me the his signature grin. The Thunder God Tribe wasn't here. I missed Ever and yes even Laxus has a place in my heart.

"I'm glad to see nothing's really changed. I was worried you'd actually go sane." The whole guild laughed at the words I spoke and I can't blame them for it after all who ever expected Fairy Tail to become sane! It's kinda a hopeless dream.

I wiped away my tears and smiled. I find it sad that this is something I missed but hey i'm here now. If they went sane? Then the world had to be mad! It was true and everyone knew it! Sanity? This guild lacks it but I have a feeling it's what makes Fairy Tail the guild it is. 

Lisanna held hands with Natsu.

"So you two are a thing eh?" Natsu looked away as Lisanna blushed. "I already knew this was going to happen! Mira and I have worked so hard for this ship!" They were both blushing harder then anyone here

"Yes we have! It's finally happened Lucy! My little sister's a woman! I'm so proud." I smiled at her. It must be nice for someone to feel proud of you.

"Yeah you must be. Your future brother in law's a hot head." I quipped as she nervously chuckled.

"Aw! Luce don't be so mean!" He pouted.

"Don't test me Natsu. I'll toss you on a train." He paled and shivered at the thought. The whole guild laughed.

"So how was training Lucy?" I saw Gildarts sitting int the corner.

"Pretty good. I've gotten stronger." He smiled.

"I can tell. Look at the muscles." I blushed and covered my abs. Grey gaped as did like every other boy. "And my how you've grown. You've become a woman." My face got redder as I hid myself behind Erza who was giving him the look.

"Gildarts stop being such a pervert." She snapped at him. "Yes she'd grown, but she's still out same old Lucy!" Thank god for Erza! Preach it to the choir woman!

"I know but she's a hottie now." A member piped in. My face got redder.

"I tought I told you-." We were cut off as in came the Thunder God Tribe. I was still behind Erza. Laxus got bulkier, Freed more elegant, Bixlow more perverted, and Ever looked stunning as usual.

"Luce you should go on a mission with us! Like old times!" I smiled at him as I knew all eyes were on me. I stepped out from behind Erza and held out my fist.

"It's a given isn't it?" He gave me a fist bump and we smirked. 

"They never change do they? Still the same old dynamic duo." Macao said. Wendy, Gajeel, and Juvia came in. Wendy tackled me.

"Oh! Hi Wendy! Did you get your guild marks?" I asked them. They nodded. "Good. I thought you'd have to go through the whole process. There was none but it's funny to tease.

"So these are friends of yours Lucy?" Master said. I nodded to him as I got up with Wendy attached to my side.

"Yeah. We met while i'd been training. They're awesome people." Who am I kidding they're as idiotic as Natsu minus the females well Juvia's a little bit falling for Grey at first glance.

"So you're back blondie?" I turned to see Laxus.

"Yes I am Sparky!" I said sticking out my tongue. He clenched his fists.

"I thought you knew not to call me that?" His voice was dangerous but I laughed.

"I thought you knew not to call me blondie." I smirked as he shook his head and laughed.

"I'm not gonna stop calling you Blondie blondie." I smirked.

"Then i'm not gonna stop calling you Sparky sparky." A small grin spread across his face making the guilds jaws drop.

"Okay then." He said heading back to his table. Erza looked at me as if I was asking for a death wish. I shrugged it off.

Good to be home.

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