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T/W: None.


Phils POV

Yet again I was awoken by the sound of our wooden beds creaking and the scrape of the door against the concrete floor. Every other night I was terrified someone was going to murder me, but tonight I was annoyed that yet again I had been awoken in the middle of the night; I sat up on my bed and looked over at the bunk opposite, to see Brian snoring loudly, but the bunk below was now empty- Dan.

I glanced over the room and saw the door wide open and still no Dan. With a huff I jumped out of bed and cautiously stepped out the door.

The wind softly blew my fringe into my eyes, hindering my sight, but I make out a shadowy figure heading through the camp towards the woods surrounding us. That must be Dan, where is he going? I jog slowly to catch up with him, reaching him just before he enters the woods. I grab his arm, "Dan, where are you going?"

Instead of stopping he keeps on walking, causing my fingers to lose their grip on his arm as he got further away. It was as if I wasn't even there! What is he doing? I follow on behind him, calling his name, "Dan?" After I don't get an answer, my tone angers, "Dan!"

Still no answer, so I jog in front of him and grab him by his arms, "Dan, what are you doing?" This is when I notice his eyes, they're open, but he's not there. They stare straight through me, as if I'm not there and this slightly scares me; I let go of his arms and let him carry on with his walk through the woods. He must come here every night, but why?

I decide to follow him on his journey, but keep my distance as I follow; they say it's best not to wake people up when sleep walking- I don't know why. He takes a right turn, walking up to a lake, which I haven't seen before, the camp leaders don't let us to venture into the woods. He begins to get get closer, so I run forward to make sure he doesn't walk in, but he doesn't. He stops at the edge, just staring off into the distance. Watching someone sleepwalking is slightly creepy, but fascinating. Dan is fascinating actually, I was fascinated by him as soon as I saw his brown orbs on the first day of summer camp. He was new to the camp, as I've been coming for the past three years, so it was nice to have someone new here. Dan is different to all the others- good different- he's exciting, unlike all the others.

The breeze sways the grass beneath our feet slightly and this is when I realise I had forgotten my jacket, as I cross my arms over my chest rubbing the goose bumps on my arms. I turn to face Dan to see he's now sitting on the floor cross legged; I decide to join him and watch the slight ripple in the water, as fish come up, eating whatever they can find on the surface. I jump slightly, noticing that Dan has rested his head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath. A small smile graces my lips and I rest my head on top of his, realising that I might be forming a slight crush on this sweet, adorable, sleepwalker.

Glancing at my phone a while later, I realise that we should probably get back or by the time we get back, everyone else will be getting up for the early six am start. I take my head off of Dan's, straining out my neck and I lift up Dan's head, slowly. "Dan?" I whisper. "Dan, we need to get going."

Soft snores escape his lips, causing another smile to form on my face. He is too cute for his own good. "Dan? Please?"

He grunts and his eyes flicker open, shock glossing over them, "Phil!" He shrieks. "Where are we?"

"A lake," I chuckle. "I'm guessing you come here every night."

He rubs his eyes and sighs, "Really? I don't remember. Do you follow me every night?"

"Nah. Only tonight."

Nodding he stands and stretches his arms, "Right. We better go back then."

I smile and walk back through the woods, side by side, with my crush.

Dan stops me just outside our villa, holding onto my arm lightly he whispers, "Uhm, I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's okay. I wanted to make sure you were okay," I chuckle. "I've never witnessed someone sleepwalking before. It's a bit creepy o be honest."

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, finally letting go of my arm, as a light blush spreads on his cheeks, "Thanks."

I nudge his shoulder playfully and walk back into our villa, laying down on my bed, sighing at the comfort of the mattress. Just as I closed my eyes, Dan whispered, "Hey, uhh, Phil?"

"Yeah," I whispered back, turning my face to see Dan.

Our faces were millimetres apart and he gulped, "Uhm, it was nice to, uhh talk to you, tonight. I-I was uhh, w-wondering if y-you w-wanted to be f-friends?"

I smile widely, "Course I will, Dan!" Without thinking I kiss his cheek and lay back down, noticing him touch his cheek from the corner of my eye.

That night I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face and nothing but happy thoughts in mind.


A/N: I know there are only a few of you actually reading this, but it means a lot and I just want to thank you, hehe. :P

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