A/N and Mind Reader Part 3

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A/N: Oh my gosh! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for just over 100 views! 100!! That is literally amazing. I didn't even think that I'd get 10! Thank you all so much, it means so much to me that people like my stuff and please keep on commenting and voting it means the world to me! All your comments honestly brighten my day!

Anyway, I thought I'd give you all a 'Mind Reader' Part 3! Probably will be the last part to this one :P If you don't remember how it ended, basically Phil was having a bad dream and Dan runs to him and says "Hey soulmate".

Thank you xxxxxx


White. White everywhere. In every direction all Phil could see was white. That was until a silhouette human figure appeared in the distance. It just stood - frozen - and Phil realised that he could no longer move his legs.

"Hello?" Phil called towards the figure, hoping it would somehow help him out of wherever he was currently at. "Can you help me?"

The figure began to move, closing the gap between him and Phil by each passing second, but that was when Phil noticed that the figure was a similar build to his father and was hovering just above the ground.

"No, please!" Phil yelled. "I'm sorry."

The figure simply chuckled, grimacing at Phil and before he knew it, a gush of air swept under Phil's feet and swung him to the ground, causing him to gasp for air, sending a shooting pain through his chest. The caving feeling in his chest was only worsened when the silhouette figure of his dad knelt upon his chest, crushing his ribs against his lungs.

"I'm sorry," Phil wheezed. "Please?"

The figure wrapped their slender fingers around Phil's throat, denying him of any oxygen needed to fill his lungs. It got tighter, until Phil could only let out a mere whisper, "Dan."

Everything was beginning to fade to black, the silhouette figure no longer visible but Phil knew he was still there from the impounding pressure on his chest, and the strong, unbearable grip around his throat like a clamp was closing in. Each gasp got weaker, but became more frequent, until he could no longer carry on and eventually gave up; this was his time. He had let his father down, so he knew he had this coming for him. It was only fair. He was a disappointment and a failure in his fathers eyes.

"Phil!" a voice screamed through the piercing buzz. "Phil! Wake up, please!"

White. Again, but this time he was met by huge, brown orbs, full of so much emotion that they could have exploded. Phil finally in took a breath and felt at his throat; the hand had gone, so was the figure. Phil's gaze followed the tears beginning to spill down Dan's cheeks and this was when he noticed how white he was.

Dan smiled knowingly, "Hey soulmate."

Phil's eyes darted to each aspect of his room: his green lava lamp, peacefully bubbling as usual, lion was sat where he usually was on his dresser, the door to his room wide open and finally Dan, who also had sweat dripping down his forehead and was panting equally like Phil.

"Soulmate?" Phil frowned, sweat still dripping from his forehead from his nightmare. Nightmare; of course it was, Phil thought. Still terrifying though.

"Yeah," Dan nodded with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "I'll explain in the morning. For now get back to sleep."

Shaking his head violently, Phil sobbed, "I can't go back there, not again. Please?" Dan wrapped his arms tightly around Phil's shaking body and kissed his head lovingly.

"Who was it? Who was choking you?" Dan frowned, stroking his long, slender fingers through Phil's hair calmly.

"My, my D-dad."

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