Long awaited confessions

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I stand squeezing my scarf tightly in front of me; today is the day. The day my best friend finally comes home from battle. The day I finally get to wrap my arms around him and know he is truly safe. For some reason my body is shaking uncontrollably and sweat is forming on my brow, as if this is the first time I'm meeting him.
Soldiers in camouflage uniforms begin to walk out of the gateway. One by one they are greeted by loved ones, and one by one they all break down into happy tears. My nerves build, causing my feet to tap on the floor quickly, creating a tune that is so mixed even I don't know the song.
Where is he?
My eyes dart to every face, scanning for my best friend, but none of them match.
"Phil?" someone calls from behind and I recognise it immediately - that voice could melt ice.
I spin on my heels and drop my scarf, as his arms open wide, allowing me entrance to hug him tight. Before I know it Ive made my four step path towards him and my arms wrap around his waist, tighter and tighter. I can't believe he's home. He feels skinnier than before, but that's understandable. I wouldn't expect him to be the exact same as before he left.

"Dan," is all I can manage without tears flooding down my cheeks. However, the dams in my eyes don't last long, and a gush of tears trickle across my cheeks. "I've missed you."

His grip around me tightens slightly, as he replies, "I missed you too."
I lean back to take in the full picture of my best mate. His hair has lightened in colour slightly to a lighter brown, but his eyes haven't changed at all. They are still the same hazel brown I remember from the day he boarded that plane all them months ago - the way they glistened as he waved goodbye.

I smile automatically when he does and he wraps an arm around me as we leave the airport.

"So tell me what I've missed," he smirks, whilst nudging me in the side. 

The TV screen flickers as he switches from channel to channel, sighing each time. "I see the TV got better then," he muses sarcastically.

"Yep. It's fantastic." I smile in reply. "Just as you remember it is it?"

"Yeah unfortunately."

His eyes dart to mine and he frowns slightly, "You must have some sort of boyfriend since I've been gone. It's been like what, 6 months?"

I roll my eyes; he hasn't shut up about this since he got back, "Like the forty thousand other times - no, I haven't." I shove my ice-cream spoon at his face and he tenses, so I pull it away slowly. I forgot any sudden movements will scare him due to the fact he's just been having to dodge bullets. "Sorry."

"Don't be," he signs and turns back to the TV. I can see how much this is killing him inside, I wish I could help, I wish I could soothe some of the pain.

I drift my hand up his biceps towards his shoulder; gently massaging it as to try and soothe as much pain as I can. I don't know what else to do, but to my surprise, he stands abruptly and sticks his hands out towards me muttering, "Don't."

"Don't what?" I question with a small frown.

"Don't - that," he gestures towards my hands and then at his shoulder.

"Don't, touch you? Don't touch my best friend who I haven't seen for six whole months. I want to help you Dan!" I say slightly too angrily. I just don't get why he won't understand that I want to help. It's like this every time he comes back. He comes home distraught, I try to help, but all I get is rejected and harshly.

"Don't you get it?" his eyes well with tears. "Don't you see?" His hands fly into the air, as his voice raises, causing me to jump slightly.

"See what Dan? You're scaring me," I lean further back into the sofa, while wrapping my knees within my arms for protection. I don't know why I need to protect myself, he won't hurt me. Will he?

He rubs his face a couple times before kicking the coffee table and muttering, "I love you."

My breath catches and it takes all I have to restart my breathing, "You do?"

"Yes," he nods warily, as he darts his eyes to everywhere but me.

"Why hadn't you told me before?" my legs lower and feeling slightly safer as I step towards him. I know that under all that hard, bristly wall is a sweet, shy, fragile guy, whom I have become to love too.

"I was scared. I was scared it would ruin our friendship," his eyes dart around the room again, obviously trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Dan? Dan, look at me," I say softly as I rest my hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me. "I wish you had told me sooner."

"Why?" he frowns.

"Because," I whisper, as I place my lips on his softly, caressing his top lip with mine. "I love you too." 

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