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In this world, no person ever ends up alone. We live in a world of love and romance and where you can never fear of being lonely, isolated or unloveable. Everyone finds their soulmate one day, you could be ten or seventy, but you will find them or they will find you, but when you do it's supposed to be the most wonderful feeling in the world. When you do meet your soulmate, you can't miss it, because your entire body lights up from head to toe, like a golden colour, except for your face. Everyone experiences this one day.

However, this is the story of how I - Daniel Howell - tried my hardest not to find my soulmate.

Now a lot of you will be wondering why I don't want to find my soulmate. You're probably screaming through your screens right now, shouting 'Dan how can you not want to find your soulmate?' but I've heard it all before and I still haven't changed my mind. You see, I don't want a soulmate. I much prefer living a lonely existence where no one can bother me or interrupt my thoughts; I just want to be alone in my own company. My mother hates me for it, says I've deprived her of grandchildren, but my brother can give her that, so I don't care. I haven't spoken to my mother in five years, since my twentieth birthday when I announced I wasn't even bothering to find my soulmate.

My dad told me that was fine, patted me on the back and handed me a slice of cake and a beer, but my mother, let's just say she didn't feel the same and instead of handing me some cake, threw it across the room in a fit of anger. It is very unlike my mum to behave in such a way, but after that day, I didn't care whether I spoke to her or not and neither did she it seems.

I'm now sat in my two bedroom flat, editing one of my YouTube videos to upload later on; it's about my time at Thorpe Park when I accidentally dropped an ice-cream on someones head. I hit save and rest my laptop on my desk before opening the blind to still see daylight.

I need a coffee.

I pull on my jacket, shoes and pull out a black scarf to match the rest of my dark outfit. It's currently winter and there are three weeks before Christmas, which I don't particularly look forward too. Before the argument, I would spend the two weeks surrounding Christmas at my parents house, as it wasn't exactly a short journey to get there and we would do all of the things a normal family would do. Eat too much food, play video games and board games and get drunk at the end of the day. It was nice, but then my mother had to go and ruin it.

The harsh cold breeze hits my face, as I step out onto the busy London street; my local coffee shop isn't far, so I won't have to be out here long. I carefully walk through the small streets, being careful not to slip on the ice. The streets are quiet, too quiet, but I like it this way, as I'm less likely too meet someone or the one. I glance up when I hear the sound of thundering steps of someone running towards me. Then bam! The figure runs into me, colliding with my shoulder and I fall to the ground, into the small puddle I had just dodged.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot!" the person exclaims, grabbing my arm and heaving me up off of the ground.

"It's okay," I reply, brushing the snow off of my coat.

"No, it's not you're all wet and now probably freezing to death! I should have been looking where I was going," he almost cries.

I finally look up at the man and can't help but get lost in his blue swirling eyes. His face is full of concern, as he brushes off the snow from my shoulders and fusses over my wet coat and jeans, but then I notice the glowing coming from his chest, illuminating through his purple rain coat.

"Uhm, you're glowing," I state, gesturing to his chest. "Were you running from your soulmate, if so, I completely understand."

He snaps his head down to his chest and his eyes widen, "Oh my god."

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