The Underworld - Part 2

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"You brought this upon the boy, Phil," Phil's father sighed, as he flicked through files of paper at his desk.

Dan was laid out upon a sofa, sweat beading across his forehead, as his memories flooded back. His body was constantly twisting, jolting or shaking, but he was still unconscious; the memories were strong. They were not memories that you would want to relive, but that's exactly what Dan was having to do in order to understand where he was and why.

"I know," Phil bowed his head guiltily, his hand trembling, as he dabbed at the sweat upon Dan's head with a cloth. "It's not usually this bad."

Phil's father cleared his throat, "That's because the memory isn't exactly pleasant, is it?"

Phil sighed sadly and glanced up at Dan's pale face. He so desperately wanted to take the pain away from Dan or at least be there for him, supporting him through this tough time. He could jump into the memory if he so wished, but he didn't want to confuse Dan anymore than he had, so he stayed put, just dabbing at Dan's forehead.

"I wish I could be there. Just to make sure he was okay," Phil murmured.

His father glanced up from his papers and smirked, "You can watch, but it'll be in his point of view."

Phil frowned at the statement and watched as his dad brought out a mirror with the swish of his hand. The mirror was surrounded by metal snakes, which wound around each other in an intricate design, creating a mysterious, creepy effect.


Phil nodded warily, as his dad swiped his hand in front of the mirror and all of a sudden, Dan's memory was playing on the screen before Phil.

*Dan's memory*

"Mum!" I yelled, as our car hurtled towards an oncoming truck. 

I looked to my right to see my mother looking up from her mobile, a look of pure terror written across her features. She slammed her foot against the brake causing the tyres of the car to squeak, as we were were thrown forward in our seats, but the truck was too close.

Everything seemed to slow; the front of the car crumpled much like a packet of crisps as we hit the front of the oncoming truck and my mum was sent flying forwards, her entire body smashing through the front screen. Her phone fell from her fingertips, bouncing on the floor a couple of times before a crack appeared across the screen.

I felt a sharp pain across my chest, as the back of the car lifted into the air and swung to the right, overturning the car completely. The blood went to my head, as I was thrown from side to side, upside down in the passenger seat. My seat belt kept me strapped to the seat, but this restricted me and tightened around my chest to a point where I could no longer breath. Objects hit my face multiple times, adding to the immense pain I was already in, as the car rolled once more.

Then everything stopped.

The car was no longer moving, I was no longer being thrown around and the ringing in my ears began to quieten, but still remained. I tried to move my arm up to my chest to loosen the belt, but there was no movement, no feeling there at all. My eyes darted down to see that both of my arms had been disjointed in impossible ways and my chest continued to tighten.

In the distance I could hear people screaming, some shouting for help and others yelling down phones, but nothing was clear over the noise of the ringing. My head was pounding, but the pain almost unbearable, as I threw my head back against the headrest and struggled to take in one complete breath.

I looked around helplessly, looking for anyone who could save me from this death trap, but my eyes wouldn't focus. Everything was a white blur with bits of colour dotted around and no matter how many times I blinked it wouldn't clear. It was almost like a white mist had sealed over my eyes, preventing me from being able to see the scene in front of me.

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