The Underworld

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A/N: This one shot collection has just hit 1000 reads! Thank you all so much for reading my stories, it means so much to me. I honestly cant believe that I got to 1000 reads so quickly. It's crazy, but I'm so happy!

As a thank you, I will be uploading three parts in a row of a new oneshot. They will be going up at roughly the same time.

I hope you enjoy!


"Tell me, what is it like to die?" the young, blue eyed boy asked, whilst clasping his hands together in excitement.

The brunette, who was sat on the floor, rubbed his eyes tiredly before finally looking around. His eye sight was still slightly blurred and he had no idea where he was or why he had blacked out.

"What the hell are you talking about?" the brunette with brown eyes replied completely confused by the question.

The blue eyed boys eyes widened in realisation, "You don't remember?"

"Clearly not; I have no idea what you're talking about," the brunette replied sternly. "What are you talking about? I'm not dead, look!"

The brunette grabbed the blue eyed boy's hand and slapped himself with his hand; however, there was no pain, not even a feeling of the hand touching him. He blinked multiple times, as he glanced down at the blue eyed boys hand, which was currently inside of him.

"What the-" the brunette gasped and leapt away from the weirdly pale boy in front of him. "Where am I?"

"The underworld," the other boy replied, as if it was the most obvious thing. "You arrived a little while ago and don't worry the weird transparent thing wears off after a couple days."

The brunette shook his head and crawled backwards whilst muttering, "It's just a dream, just a dream."

"It's not a dream."

The brunette glared at the pale, ebony haired boy and hissed, "Yes it is. I'm not dead. I can't be. I'm only sixteen!"

"That's how old I am! Technically," the other boy smiled. "I'm Phil."


"Right, Dan. I'll show you around," Phil smiled wider, whilst taking ahold of Dan's hand, but Dan retracted his hand immediately. "Sorry, I'm not used to having to interact with people."

Dan frowned slightly and shook it all off as being a dream that he would awake from shortly. He followed Phil down tight alleyways where they passed many creepy figures, but they all seemed to cower away once they saw Phil. It was almost as if he held some sort of power over them and they were - scared.

"Right, so this is the main town," Phil stated, as he lead Dan out into a busy street. "This is where we can buy stuff, like food."

This was when Dan noticed that everywhere he looked had a slight orange tint and the sky wasn't the usual, bright blue that it should have been, but stormy and red. He visibly gulped, as he was dragged by Phil down the street to an old, tall building made from wood.

They stepped into the building to be greeted by a little, old woman with a cane and a border collie. She smiled, revealing her yellow stained, crooked teeth and gave the boys a small wave, as she fed her dog a long treat in the shape of a finger - that's what Dan hoped it was.

"Hello, Phil, dear," she croaked. "What can I do for you today?"

Phil smiled, "We've got a new resident, so do you have any spare rooms?"

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