02| Danger

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Waking up, I notice that I'm the only one in the cave. The hunting party must've went to hunt breakfast, while my wife and cubs are gone as well. I stretch my legs and shake out my charcoal black mane, pawing my way out of the cave. I stand at the tip of Pride Rock, taking in the cool morning breeze. I close my eyes, my mane blowing in many different directions.

"Kovu?" My wife's soft voice asked as she and my cubs walked up Pride Rock. I smiled and licked her cheek, letting out a soft purr.

"Daddy!" Nama and Leo said in sync, climbing on my back. I let out a laugh.

"Hey kids. Where were you when I was asleep?"

"Oh, mom was taking us around the Pride Lands. We went to the waterhole and then a hippo named Marai told us that there were hyenas sneaking in."
I stopped my son on the last sentence.

"What?! Are they still here? I warned them long before to never come in our Lands again." I began to growl. Kiara noticed.

"Hey, why don't you guys go play for a little bit?" She asked softly and they both ran behind Pride Rock with the other lionesses.

I sat up straight. "What hyenas, Kiara?"

She shrugged her furry shoulders. "I don't know. At the waterhole, Marai explained that there were hyenas sneaking around and killing our prey.."

"We'll have to keep a close eye on them. I don't want them becoming a problem again." She lets out a nod and gives me a soft nuzzle.



While mom and dad we're talking, me and Leo ran behind Pride Rock with the other lionesses. We both ran towards where the cubs usually play, some were getting baths and some were being babysat while their mothers went to hunt. Me and Leo immediately ran towards Lana, one of our good friends. She is a lioness cub with chestnut brown fur, hazel eyes, pink nose, and cream muzzle, toes and underbelly.

Leo immediately tackled her, as they always played like this. I stood in the background smiling.

"Hey there Lana!" My brother said with a laugh.

"Hi Leo, what are you guys up to?" She asked as Leo let her get up.

"Our parents are talking about something important so they sent us back here." I chimed in.

"Hmmm, well we can't just sit here and be bored. Why don't we go out and play?" She suggested.

"Yeah!" Me and Leo said in sync.

Lana went to go tell her mother that she was going out to play with us. We rushed into the cave to tell our parents as well.

"Mom, dad. Can me, Lana and Leo go out and play?" I asked. Father nodded his head.

"Yes, just be sure to be back before it gets too late. And remember, no going past the border.."

We nodded and gave them nuzzles, and the three of us trotted into the tall green grass.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Leo asked.

"How about we go to the waterhole and then have a race?" I asked, in a challenging voice.

"You're on!" My brother also said in the same tone.

We all continued walking until we reached the waterhole, getting greeted by many different animals. We each lapped down some water to get our energy up.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Leo asked, wiping his mouth with his paw.

"Yeah let's go, on 3, 2, 1. GO!" I yelled, and we all took off. Leo obviously began to run the fastest, but Lana surprisingly caught up with him. Once we ran far enough, we began to turn into a dark area that wasn't the Pride Lands. I immediately skidded to a halt while Lana and Leo were so focused on beating each other, they weren't even paying attention to what was happening in front of them.

"Guys watch out!" I cried. They both looked in front of them and their eyes bulged as they both of them tumbled down the hill that led into darkness. I slowly slid down after them.

"Are you guys okay?!" I asked.

Lana groaned and nodded her head, while Leo was laughing.

"That was AWESOME! Can we do it again?" He shook out his fur, while I rolled my eyes. Boys..

"Um, guys?" Lana pointed with her paw, and I realized where we were. The Out Lands. I know daddy said we aren't allowed to come here, but we're already here aren't we?

"Woah. What is this place?"

Around us were bones scattered everywhere, with dust and dirt flying in the wind. It's so quiet here...

"I think we crossed the border into the Out Lands..." Leo said in an awed voice.

"I think we should go back home. I mean, what if the King catches us? You guys could get into a lot of trouble!" She added in a worried voice. Leo playfully pushed her.

"Oh lighten up a little. Our parents are waaaaayy back at Pride Rock, there's no way we'll get caught! We just have to stay together, who knows what could be here..."

My older brother bravely leads the way into the outskirts, as me and Lana jumped every time we heard a noise. We all then came across a giant elephant skull. I gasped.

"Woah, what do you think is in there?" Lana asked, interested in what possible danger we could face...

"I don't know, but we should go check it out..."

Before we could make another move, a light snicker came from behind us. We all turned around quickly.

"Hehehe, well well well, what do we have here? Three little lion cubs trespassing in our lands..." A female hyena with very dark skin with spots approached us.

"Why if it isn't the daughter and son of the King and Queen? Along with a little friend?" The female lowered her face to our level. Leo hopped in front of me and Lana bravely.

"I assume you have found dinner, Mari?" An even louder male voice came into the scene, with another female at his side.

"Ah, I wasn't exactly in the mood for lion cubs tonight, but this will have to do."

"They do look quite delicious dear, especially the male one." The hyena licked her lips.

"Back off hyenas." Leo growled, extending his teeth and digging his claws into the ground.

All they did was snicker.

"I don't understand why the King's children have chosen to come here, but we may as well kill them and get this over with.."

They all circled around us, but before they had the chance to attack, a loud roar stopped them in their tracks...


The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now