15| Great Kings and Queens Of The Past

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Night began falling, the sky beginning to appear with stars so bright. Light winds brushed my large, dark brown mane against my face, my midnight green eyes matching perfectly with the moons' glow.

Standing on the promontory of Pride Rock offered a sense of worthiness for my title as King, but sadly that glory began fading away. With no trace of that strange male lion anywhere, Kion and I were starting to lose hope. I know that rouge is here somewhere, and I feel as if we're not working hard enough to catch him. At the same time, the hyenas have also quieted down, and that could mean trouble because of their sneakiness.

Snapping me out of my thoughts were the multiple paw steps of the Pride entering the cave for bed.

"Kovu, you coming?" Kiara's soft voice filled my ears. I smiled, turning around to face her. "Yes, in a minute."

Being her stubborn self, she came and sat close beside me, nuzzling her face in my mane.

"Is something troubling you, love?"

I shook my head. "No, everything's fine."

She lifted a brow. "Kovu..."

I sighed. "Fine. It's that rouge lion who snuck in a few days ago. Kion and I haven't been coming up with any clues or ideas as to where he could've ran off to. Something's telling me that he's still here somewhere."

"Well first off, if that male is still here, I'm sure we would've gotten a report from Zazu or another animal. Our lands have many watchful eyes now. Secondly, I think you've been pushing yourself a bit too hard lately."

"What?" I asked, confused.

She shifted her reddish brown eyes up towards mine. "I mean think about it. You and Kion have been working non-stop, day and night to catch him and nothing has come up so far. Not to mention how worn out and tired you look."

"But-" I began, but she softly put her paw on my mouth, silencing me.

"Shhhh. Listen, I know you are just doing your job as King, but I have noticed you're putting a lot on yourself. I mean, the only times me, Leo or Nama see you are in the morning, during lunch, or right now. Kion has his own family too now, and he has to see them."

I sighed once more. I've been so caught up in my King duties I've been pushing my family away.

"I'm sorry, and I know I've been working so much, but that's only because I'm trying to protect all of us. I would be so upset if anything happened to you, or our family." I looked in the sky. "I swore to your father that when he wasn't around to protect you anymore, that would be my top priority. I plan on keeping that promise."

"Oh Kovu!" She cried happy tears, nuzzling me once more. I chuckled, casually wiping them away with my paws.

Then we were both silent, just a million thoughts going through our minds.

"I miss my parents so much.." She whispered.

"I do too.."

Even though Simba and Nala aren't my birth parents, they're the closest thing to a mother and father I've ever had. Simba was the only real father figure in my life. We got off to a rocky start, but slowly he began to trust me, but that all came crashing down when Zira tricked him into thinking I planned that ambush attack on him. He exiled me from the Pride Lands, and that same day went to war with the Outsiders. In the end, Zira died and the war between the Pride Lands and Out Lands was over, allowing the prides to untie and live in peace.

Nala was such a pure and wise lioness. She accepted me into the Pride way quicker than Simba did and was less overprotective with Kiara. Even through some of Simba's harsh decisions, she continued to stand by his side no matter what.

"Your parents were such strong leaders. I just want to make them, especially your father, proud."

"You are. I have no doubt in my mind that they're beyond proud of the great King you've become."

I chuckled. "Heh, Great Kings. That sounds familiar huh?"

"Yeah. They're up there right now, watching over us."

I sighed. "That's also why I've been pushing our son so hard. Once I'm gone, it'll be his duty to rule this kingdom."

She nodded. "You'll be a Great King one day, you can watch over him in the skies."

"And you'll become a Great Queen my love." I smiled.

She laughed. "I'll have to start training Lana soon too, since she'll become the next Queen. Her and Leo have been pretty close since their cubhood, so I have great faith that she will take her title seriously."

"So do I."

Kiara let out a medium yawn. I chuckled.

"It's getting pretty chilly out, and my Queen is getting sleepy so let's go in."

"Oh hush." She's smiled and pawed at my face.

We made our way to the back of the cave, steeping over the sleeping lionesses and laying on top of our flat, gray rock in the back. I kissed Kiara's nose sweetly before nuzzling close to her and falling asleep.

Simba, Nala, and the rest of the Great Kings and Queens, I hope I'm making you all proud, and in the future, I hope my son will do the same...

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