14| Start of Friendship

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Evening began to fall on the Pride Lands a few days later, the sun hiding behind a vast and tall mountain in the distance. Crisp, cool air blew through my tan fur, causing me to shut my blue eyes and savor the breeze. Behind Pride Rock, lionesses either groomed their cubs or gossiped quietly. Ever since that strange male entered the Pride Lands, we've all been on edge. King Kovu and Prince Kion haven't gotten any clues to where he could have gone. He must've covered his scent well so they wouldn't find him.

"Adia, look. Now is your chance to talk to him." My older sister Nya nudged me, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. Kibwe, I think that lion's name is, walked behind Pride Rock.

I sighed. Okay, I admit I've been avoiding talking to Kibwe for a few days now. I mean, after how I acted towards him, will he even want to talk to me?

"Nya, he probably doesn't even want to talk to me." I looked down at my paws.

"Well that doesn't seem like the case, because here he comes now." She whispered quickly in my ear. I looked up and there he was, standing directly in front of me.

"Hello ladies." He greeted.

"Hey there, Kibwe." Nya waved her paw. She noticed I didn't say anything and nudged me once more.

"Oh, um hi." I flushed.

"Excuse my sister's lack of manners, but we want to apologize for how we acted towards you and your father the other day."

He shook his head. "Oh that's okay. Uh, I didn't get you guys' names by the way..."

"Oh, I'm Nya, and this is my younger twin sister, Adia."

"Adia and Nya. Cute names!"


I continued to avoid any eye contact with him, while he and my sister talked flirtatiously. I honestly don't know why it bugged me so much.

"Anyways, Adia here was so nervous to talk to you. She thought you would be mad at her because of the way she treated you."

"Nya!" I hissed, my face completely red now.

He lifted a brow, smirking at me. "Oh really?"

"N-no. I just thought that-"

He cut me off. "I'm just kidding. I don't hold grudges against anyone."

I breathed out. "Whew, well that's a relief."

Am awkward moment of silence fell, the only noises being the lionesses whispering, trees blowing, and my heart beating out of my chest due to Kibwe's flirting skills.

"Well, um Adia. Do you want to take a walk with me?"

Oh no! Now we'll officially be alone...

"Like right now?"

He nodded, with a duh expression on his face.

"Umm, okay I guess that sounds fine. Nya do you mind?" I hopped off the rock I was laying on and looked over my shoulder at her.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now