41| Catching Up

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The feeling in the air changed as the sun shift in the sky, changing to afternoon. Kovu and I sat side by side, watching the entire Pride mingle and speak with my sister in law and her family.

The feeling was pure excitement and bliss, having reunited with family once again. It almost made me want to tear up. Kovu glanced down at me and lick my forehead.

He chuckled. "Are you alright my love?"

I sniffled, a few tears welling in my reddish brown eyes. "Yes, of course. I'm just overwhelmed with emotions. It feels so great to have Vitani back here with us."

"I know right. It's been years. I hope she stays long enough for Leo and Lana's wedding, and she might even get to meet Kion and Arielle's new cub."

I giggled. "Me too. Speaking of that, where is my brother anyway? I haven't seen him since this morning."

"Oh, he went out on patrol with the Lion Guard team and is training Kibwe later on. He probably won't be back until the dinner hour."

"Hmmmm, alright. Maybe I can take Arielle out to get some fresh air. I know she must hate being cooped up inside the den all day, you know with her being pregnant and all."

He nodded. "Agreed. In the meantime I'll be taking Tau and Rashid to Badru's tree to help fix up their wounds. They got into an altercation the night Vitani came back into the Pride Lands."

I gasped. "Oh my. Let's hope they aren't that damaged up. But if anyone can do the job it's Badru!"

Vitani approached the both of us with a warm smile. Kovu leaned in and hugged her once more. I smiled in the background at how close they were as siblings.

"Hello again sister."

"Hi! Do you mind if I steal Kiara for a while from you?"

Kovu faked a frown. Vitani on the other hand chuckled lightly.

"Come onnn. You two are so connected at the hip my goodness!" She joked.

We all shared a laugh.

"Yes, you can take her for a while. I have my own duties to do anyways. You two deserve a relaxing day."

"Aaaahh your Kingly tasks." Vitani joked and laughed once more.

"Yes. I heard from your husband earlier that he got injured when you all first arrived in the Pride Lands. He and Tau seemed to get into an altercation. I will take them to Badru's tree and get them healed." He said.

"Thank you, Kovu. Now come along Kiara, we must not waste anymore time. We have so much to discuss!" She exclaimed like a small cub, prancing away excitedly.

"Still the same old Vitani.." Kovu chuckled at my side.

"Yeah. I guess we will see you later, honey? Don't worry, we should be back before lunch."

He nodded. "Okay."

We both shared a sweet nuzzle.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now