22| Caught

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Morning approached on the Pride Lands, the bright light from the sun entering the royal den of Pride Rock. I quickly open my reddish brown eyes and rolled over on my side. My family was still fast asleep. I quickly and quietly got up on my four paws not to wake anyone, and made my way to the entrance/exit of the cave, stretching out my legs and shaking out my furry body. I quickly made my way behind Pride Rock and and behind a tall, brown rock, I found and grabbed a zebra thigh between my teeth.

We usually keep a leftover pile for the elderlies, expecting mothers, or cubs if the didn't eat anything or enough food. Before anyone could notice me, I ran down the rocky steps and into the tall plains, making my way to Tau and Hadiya's secret den. I've been sneaking the both of them food for the past week, since the dry season began to come and many animal herds began to move away into a more grassy location.
So far, no one has caught or questioned me yet, and I plan on keeping it that way. Once I made it to their home, I whispered before walking in.

"Tau? Hadiya? You guys awake?"

"Yes, Nama. Tau is still sleeping, but you can come in." Hadiya whispered back. I entered the den and dropped the thigh infront of her paws. She smiled, licking her lips.

"Thank you so much." She said, beginning to tear into the meat. "I really appreciate you doing this for us, Nama. It means a lot."

I nod with a smile. "It's not a problem. Whenever you guys need, I'm there."

She nodded and continued eating. I sat down and slowly shifted my eyes to Tau, who was sleeping soundly. He looked so adorable while he slept! I smiled at the thought and looked down at my paws.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who is seeing this." Hadiya said, smirking at me.

I lifted a brow. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You and my brother, silly. I know you both have only known eachother for a short time, but there is something between the two of you, like some magnetic pull I guess. You both look completely lovestruck anytime you're around eachother. It's so cute!"

I blushed, shaking my head. "Oh uh. I don't think so Hadiya, well at least not now. We're just friends."

"That's what they all say."

We both shared a loud laugh, which ended up making us wake up Tau. He stood up and let out a loud yawn, shaking out his fur and half grown brown mane. His hazel eyes landed on me. He smiled.

"Oh, morning Nama. I didn't even realize you were here."

Hadiya swallowed the meat she was chewing. "Yeah that's because you were sleeping like a baby, plus you were drooling. Gross!"

"Oh, shut up, and hey save some for me." He said, playfully taking the zebra thigh from his sister and placing it between his paws.

"I wasn't done with that, you hog!" Hadiya frowned playfully.

I laughed at their playful bickering, laying down. Once they finished, the bone from the zebra got placed in the corner.

"That was so delicious." Tau said, grooming his large paws.

"I know right. Thanks again, Nama."

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now