21| Forgiveness

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"Alright, I think this is the perfect time that we should hunt. Are you sure you are well enough to Tau? It's only been two days and I don't know if your wounds are fully healed." I said, eyeing my brother suspiciously. His light cream fur still showed some minor scratches, but I still wasn't too sure that he was healed up enough.

"Yes Hadiya, I'm fine. I feel much better now. Now we've went a day without a meal, and now it's the perfect time to hunt. I'm sure the King and his pride are fast asleep."

I nodded, a bit unsure. "Alright, you are the oldest after all. I'll follow your lead."

He smirked at me. "Okay. Now get down, quickly. We have to be very quiet. I don't want any attention drawn to us. One of the animals may wake up and report us to the King."


We both emerged from our small den, cool nighttime winds brushing through my light fur. It caused a bit of my hair tuft to come into my hazel eyes. I shook it off. Tau began stalking through the grass, as I followed close behind. We both looked around, scanning our eyes for any prey.

Tau placed his paw infront of me, stopping me in my tracks. "Look, you see that buffalo over there?"

He pointed, and I saw a large male buffalo trying to hide behind a large bush. He had multiple cuts and scratches on him already, meaning many animals have tried hunting him already. He must've scared them away.

"You know buffalo are hard to catch. Not to mention you can get even more hurt than you already are.."

He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, sis. You're worrying too much. I've got this."

I shook my head as we both began walking towards the buffalo, eyeing it suspiciously. I licked my lips while Tau walked up close and began circling around our prey. The buffalo let out a out a loud cry. I moved quickly to muffle his loud noise, biting on his nose and mouth to block off access to air.

Tau began roughly biting on the buffalo's back, his sharp teeth ripping right through it. The buffalo began to squirm. Tau lost his grip.

"This isn't working. I feel like we need some extra help." He said.

I released my teeth from the buffalo's nose, blood beginning to cover my muzzle and face. "We can't ask anyone else her. If we do, then the King will surely catch us."

"I'd be glad to help." A soft voice said behind us. Tau and I both quickly twitched our ears and turned seeing a short lioness, who had tannish fur, reddish brown color eyes, and a purple nose.

"Princess? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home with your family?" Tau coldly asked her.

Princess, hmmm....

She rolled her eyes. "I'm trying to be nice and offer you some assistance. You are hunting in our lands after all.."

Tau smiled sarcastically. "Oh yeah your right. Why don't you go run and tell your father?"

She growled this time. "I'm giving you a chance to get a meal before my father comes and finds you himself."

I stood up. "Tau, she's right. We should take up her offer. If the King finds us we're screwed. We might as well."

He glared at me, avoiding any eye contact with the Princess.

"Fine, your highness. You can help us." He replied, not liking the idea.

The Princess rolled her eyes before walking towards the buffalo who was loudly crying for its herd. She wrapped her furry arms around his neck, beginning to bite down hard on it.

"You." She pointed at me. "Get on his back and weaken him by scratching or biting at his fur." I nodded.

"And you." She pointed at Tau shyly. "Come cover his crying sounds, if not his herd will probably come back and look for him."

Tau sighed and walked over to where the Princess was standing. Their paws accidentally touched as they both moved to a different position. They both blushed at the sudden contact. Tau cleared his throat and covered the buffalo's mouth and nose, while Nama used her strong jaws to quickly make the kill.

"Wow, you're pretty strong.." I say, in complete awe and shock.

The Princess chuckled. "Heh, thanks. I uh, never really got you guys' names by the way..."

"Oh, excuse our manners. My name is Hadiya, and that is my big brother Tau." I say.

"Well my name is Princess Nama. Nice to meet you, Hadiya." She nodded.

"Thank you. Tau, I think we should get going before it gets too late."

He nodded, slowly brushing past Nama and giving her a brief thank you.

"Hold on. Tau, I'm sorry for how I acted the other day towards you. That was totally out of my character and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." She said, her ears hanging down flat.

Tau broke into a small smile, looking over his shoulder. "I'm sorry too Princess, I mean Nama. I was wrong to call you ungrateful and I apologize."

She nodded and they both continued to stare at eachother for a few more moments, almost looking lost in each other's eyes. I smirked and slowly cleared my throat.

"Oh uh, sorry. I guess I'll be returning home now. Take care, the both of you." She said, before running off back towards the tall rock formation located in the back of the Pride Lands.

"Thank you, Nama." I called back before Tau picked up the prey and began carrying it away to our den. I smiled.

"So, you and the Princess huh?"

"What?" He became flushed.

"Tell me you aren't so blind big brother. It's obvious that you both like eachother."

He shook his head. "No. The King would kill me for sure if he found out about me dating his daughter. We're barely even friends."


He rolled his eyes playfully before we made our way back inside our den and ate until we were full of delicious meat.

Maybe the Princess can somehow convince her father to let us join their pride...

Only time will tell..

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now