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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Just a quick note if you guys don't remember or know who Arielle is she is Kion's wife and the mother of Kibwe! This chapter was so sweet in my opinion and made my eyes water at the end. Enjoy you guys!😊❤️


Days later at Pride Rock, a new morning approached. The bright sun shined across the savannah, forces of life began awakening in all corners. Inside the large cavern of Pride Rock, the entire Pride began waking up to begin the morning. I opened my warm hazel eyes and noticed that my husband wasn't present beside me in his normal sleeping spot along with King Kovu. They both must've went on their morning patrol.

I however rolled over and saw my son, Kibwe sleeping soundly beside Adia. I smiled at the two of them. Majority of the lionesses began waking up as well, including Kiara who smiled and began walking towards me.

"Goodmorning Arielle!" She greeted, hugging me softly.

"Goodmorning Kiara. I might not be able to join the hunt again this morning. Again I'm not feeling so well.." I said.

"Oh no! The hunting party and I were hoping you could join us today. You're one of our strongest hunters you know."

My ears fell flat. "I know, I wish I could assist you all."

"How about I talk to Rafiki and Badru and see if they can see what's the matter?" She asked.

I nodded my head with a smile. "Yes, that would be lovely."

"Great!" She smiled as well. "You just lay here and rest until we return with breakfast. They both should be here this afternoon."

"Thank you Kiara, for everything!" I said, hugging her once more.

"It's not a problem at all! Ladies, let's go." She said, exiting the den with the lionesses behind her.

I was alone once again, so I laid back down, and drifted off back to sleep.


Some time later in the afternoon, I was stuck inside of the cave for most of the day, patiently waiting for Badru and Rafiki to arrive. I was feeling a little dizzy, my paws were a bit swollen and I could hardly move without feeling a sharp pain in my belly. Snapping me out of my thoughts were the rattling sound of Rafiki's stick and his voice speaking to Kiara.

She pointed them into the back of the cave, and then left the scene. I groaned a little, sitting up and smiling warmly at the both of them.

"Good afternoon Arielle. How are you feeling?"

"Hello Rafiki and Badru! Good afternoon and I seem to be feeling a little under the weather. My paws are swollen, my stomach has been feeling sharp pains and I've been having some weird cravings and mood swings."

"Hmmm.." Rafiki said, placing his hand on his chin.

"Father, she might be expecting a cub!" Badru said excitingly.

"What?!" I exclaimed, and glanced down at my stomach. A small bump was forming. I gasped.

"That could be a possibility Arielle. Have you and Kion ever discussed having any more children after your first born?" Rafiki questioned.

I blushed lightly. "Yes we have. Even when our son was just a cub we talked about birthing him a sibling or two. I just didn't expect it to come at this moment."

Badru placed his rough hand on my stomach. "Yes, something is definitely in there. You are still at the very beginning of your pregnancy, you've got a while to go before your new cub can enter the world."

I began crying tears of joy. We're having another cub! Kion will be ecstatic, but at the same time nervous. With all of these hyena rumors going on about a war approaching or some revenge plan happening, our cub won't be safe outside alone. I don't want him or her to have to experience growing up in a unsafe environment.

"Arielle, are you feeling alright?" Badru asked, snapping me back to reality.

I nodded with a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm okay."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Kion will be thrilled that you are both having another child, along with your son who has another sibling on the way!"

I nodded, smiling and thinking of my family. A little while later, late afternoon had fallen, a sunset filling the sky. The whole Pride was gathered behind Pride Rock as I made it clear that I had an announcement to make. King Kovu, Queen Kiara and their two children sat front and center, along with a confused Kion and Kibwe.

"Attention everyone. I have a quick announcement to make." All eyes were on me, some whispers being shared and weird glances.

"I am expecting another cub!" I said, gasps coming from everyone.

The Pride erupted in cheers. I heard some sweet comments like 'Congratulations' or 'Awww how sweet!'

I locked eyes with Kion who was fighting to hold back tears. Kiara immediately ran up to me, already crying.

"How beautiful! I'm about to be an aunt again! Congrats to you both!" She said.

"Thank you!" I cried along with her.

Kibwe approached me next, in complete shock.

"Are you okay son?" I chuckled.

"Finally, another sibling to look after! This is so exciting! I can't wait to meet him or her!"

"Oh Kibwe!" I cried, hugging him tightly.

Kion was last out of everyone, broken down crying.

"Honey, are you alright?"

His eyes stared deep into mine. "The lioness that I love is about to give me something I've always wanted, another cub. We've waited so long for this and now we can finally live out our dream of having a bigger family. We need to start thinking of names. I want another boy! Leo and Kibwe can babysit them! We-"

I put my paw over my mouth to silence him.

"You seem more excited than me. You'll be a great father again for the second time, I know it."

We nuzzled affectionately, purring. I placed a paw on my belly.

Mommy and daddy are waiting on you baby...

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now