08| Lessons

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The sun began to rise above the savannah, the sky changing from the crisp black blue of night and turning peachy orange and light pink. Animals began waking up from their hidden homes and beginning their morning. Birds began to chirp in the sky, singing their peaceful morning song to all around them.

"What is taking dad so long?" I pondered to myself. This morning, dad was supposed to be taking me out to tour the kingdom, but he was still fast asleep with the rest of the Pride.

That's it...

I ran into the back of the den, carefully trying not to wake anyone up, and jumped on my Dad's back. He snores loudly.

"Dad, come on wake up! We're going to be late!" I said, pulling at his ear. He still didn't budge.

"Daadddddd. You promised, remember? We already missed the sunrise."

He opened one of his eyes, grinning at me.

"Well someone seems excited." He got up on all four of his paws, and stretched his legs, yawning. "Alright I'm up."

"Yeah!" I cheered, exiting the cave once more. Once outside, dad led the way into the tall grasses, me following slowly behind. We walked into an open field where small hares were hopping around and feasting on the green grass. Butterflies flew around, their bright wings blending in with all of the flowers. Many other creatures were emerging from their homes, beginning their morning.

"Wow...." I say in amazement, taking in all of the incredible sights this field had to offer.

Dad chuckled. "Amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah, being a King must be pretty awesome huh dad? Having all of this land to yourself and the animals obeying your every word."

"Being a King may seem luxurious and soothing, but it also comes with hard work and determination. You have to learn to respect all creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

"But don't we eat the antelope dad? Why should we respect our prey?"

"Let me explain son. When we die our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life." He said looking out into the open savannah. I sat down, taking everything in.

"Except for those evil hyenas right?" I asked.

"Yes. The hyenas have caused the Pride Lands too many troubles over the years. They've even killed some of our pride cubs in the past."

I gasped. "No way..."

He nodded. "Yes. They're very sneaky and dangerous animals, and they live beyond our borders. I'm sure you and your sister have already learned your lesson though."


"Ah, there you are Kovu." A deep voice said behind us. We both twitched our ears and saw Uncle Kion come forward with Zazu sitting on his left shoulder.

"Uncle Kion!" I yelled, jumping on his back playfully. Zazu flew off of his shoulder and sat in front of Dad's paws.

"Hey there sport! What were you both up to so early this morning?"

"Dad was giving me a big tour around the kingdom and teaching me some more lessons on how to be a King."

"He's right." Uncle Kion said. "Once you grow older Leo, it'll be your duty to lead us into a brand new Circle of Life. The crown will be passed down to you, and the Pride Lands will be in your paws."

"Woah, okay okay. You guys are giving me a headache!" I said rubbing my head with my paw.

Everyone laughed, except Zazu. He quickly flew up on dad's shoulder and whispered something in his ear. He nodded at Uncle Kion and shifted his green eyes down to me, and back at Zazu.

"Zazu, take Leo home where it's safe. Kion, let's move, quickly."

"Dad what's going on? Can't I come with you?" I asked, walking a bit forward.

"No son." He shook his head, and they both took off running.

I stomped my paw in annoyance. "Being a Prince is no fun. I never get to go anywhere."

Zazu flew above me slowly. "Don't worry young master, once your King you'll be able to handle all of the work being done here."

"But dad always gets to have all of the fun." I protested.

"It's not fun, it's hard work young one. Trust me, in all of my years being the Pride Lands majordomo, this is nothing near fun."

"Humph!" I groaned.

Once we made it back to Pride Rock, I was greeted by my sister and mom. They were both sitting on the edge of the tall rock formation.

"Leo there you are! I see you and dad snuck off again!" She said, ruffling my dark brown hair tuft. I groaned, fixing it back in place.

"We didn't sneak off Nama. Dad was giving me a nice tour around the kingdom and then he had to run off and do his normal King work.."

"Ohhhh.." She said.

We talked a bit more before heading behind Pride Rock to play with the other cubs.

Wow, I never knew being a King came with so much work. I hope I'll be able to become great like my dad someday.. Only time will tell...


Hey everyone👋🏽😁. I know I've been ghost for so long, been busy with school and final exams. Now that my summertime has officially began that means more frequent updates, yayyy😊! I hope you all are enjoying this book as much as I am and I promise this will get even better. Thanks again and have an amazing summer☀️❤️!

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