46| Royal Meeting

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The bright beam of the sun spread out across the savannah, waking up life in all corners. River and streamed glistened, splashing and splurging everywhere. Flowers began to spread their petals, the sweet mixture of different scents filling the air. Animals of all kinds began to wake up and begin their days.

I opened my midnight green eyes and began to wake the sleepiness from them. I shift them to my right and see Kiara laying asleep peacefully. It caused a warm smile to appear on my face. Standing on my four grand paws, stretching my legs and stepping over the sleeping bodies, I exited the cavern and stepped into the morning time sun.

This afternoon, Kiara and I have to attend a royal meeting with the King and Queen of the River Pride. As you can tell from the title, their Pride is located in a gorgeous and open landscape filled tons of long and small rivers, allowing them to have a huge water source. That is their biggest natural resource, and it attracts tons of prey for them to feast on. As King and Queen, my wife and I usually attend tons of meetings with other royal lion prides across Africa.

Since we will be absent for quite a few hours, I decided to assign my son the task of keeping an eye on the Pride until we return. I know he will be able to complete the task with great dignity and responsibility.

At my right, I peek and notice Ashia gathering up the top huntresses to go hunt the Pride breakfast. The rest of them went behind Pride Rock and began to wait for the meal to arrive. I went and sat on the edge of huge rock, patiently waiting for their return as well.

"Morning Dad."

I turn my body around and see my son come forward and join me on the promontory to enjoy the open scenery.

"Goodmorning son." I greet.

"Are you ready for your meeting today?"

I smirk. "The better question is, are you ready for your first real task at being King today?"

He laugh. "Well played, well played."

"You will have to do this sort of thing to you know, you and Lana will have to travel all across the African Savannah to meet with other lion prides and have meetings. Some days they might come to Pride Rock as well, but since we have more important things scheduled, we have to go to their kingdoms at the moment."

"Mhm, makes sense."

"It's not that long from now that you will become a married lion."

He smiled widely. "I know, I'm marrying my childhood love. I just can't wait to call Lana my wife!"

"I'm sure she feels just as much excitement." I smile.

"Aaaah, I see you both are awake." Another voice chimed in, but I recognized it immediately, it belonging to Kiara.

She was walking out of the cavern with a stretch and yawn. A smile appeared on her face when she saw us. She gave Leo a warm hug and nuzzle, and greeted me with a small peck on my cheek and a more affectionate nuzzle.

Leo rolled his eyes at our constant display of affection. We both chuckle.

"Oh don't give us that look, son." I joke.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now