10| First Steps to Adulthood

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•No One•

The afternoon heat beamed across the savannah, the sun pelting anything it could reach. White and fluffy cumulus clouds scattered across the sky, vying to protect the plains from the sun's strong ultraviolet rays. Herds of animals were grazing by, casually munching on the soft green grass and walking towards the waterhole to cool themselves down. Soft winds blew, creating a sense of peace throughout the lands.

At Pride Rock, the lions were now heading out to begin the afternoon hunt, while the King and Queen were preparing for another one of their royal meetings. Their son, Prince Leo, wasn't in attendance again.

"Honey relax. Leo should be on his way back home by now." Kiara said calmly.

"I don't know, Kiara. This is the second time this week he's missed his King lessons."

"I'm sure he won't be late this time, and if he is then we'll have to talk about this with him."

He nodded. Kiara walked up and head budded his shoulder.

"I'm heading out with the hunting party. Nama is about to start taking her hunting classes today. I'll be back later."


Meanwhile in the plains, Leo was running around with laughter with Kibwe. They were practicing their own hunting and tackling skills. In the future, they will both hold big royal titles and will need to be strong and prepared.

"Leo? I know you're here! I know that funk anywhere." Kibwe said, walking around slowly in search for Leo, who was easily hidden below the tall grasses.

As Kibwe stepped a bit closer, Leo took the opportunity and jumped out with a loud roar. Kibwe was tackled down by his cousin, who stood over him with a proud grin.

"Hah, got you again. Man, I'm too good at this for you."

"Psshh, whatever. I let you win that round."

Leo rolled his eyes playfully and allowed Kibwe to get up, and shake out his light fur.

Both of them were starting to show the scruffy beginnings of a mane. Leo's being a dark reddish brown, and Kibwe's being a red. Red is a strong gene in the royal family.

Kibwe looked around, and a thought popped in his head. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be taking your King lessons with your father?"

Leo's green eyes popped wide, and he covered them with his paws. "Oh no! He's going to kill me! This isn't the first time I missed my royal lesson!"

"Hey no biggie man, I'll go with you."



They hugged in a brotherly way. "Thanks. Now hurry up! I don't want to be even more late." Leo sprinted ahead.

"Hey wait up!" Kibwe called out, running behind.


"Okay ladies, becoming a teenage lioness also means learning how to hunt properly and earning a worthy spot in the hunting party." The pride's leading huntress, Aisha, said to the group of younger lionesses which included Lana, Nama, Adia, and Nya.

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