20| Secrets and Worries

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I was laying down inside of the cave, grooming my paws and face. The lionesses and I had just returned home with buffalo, and stuffed our bellies. Kovu and Kion had just left for their afternoon patrol, while Leo was out with his friends. Arielle was laying infront of me, grooming herself as well.

"So how are you feeling, Arielle?"

She sighed. "To tell you the truth, not too great..."

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

She looked down at her colorless paws, sighing. "It's Kion."

I placed my paw on my head dramatically. "Oh goodness, what did my brother do now?"

She shook her head, laughing. "No, it's not that, Kiara. I meant to say, I'm worried about him."


"Because, I don't want him to get hurt. I know that he's the Lion Guard and he has his duties and all, but it stresses me out a bit. Anything could happen. That trespassing male lion could get him, or maybe even Janja and his clan could attack him while he's patrolling." She sniffled and began to cry. "And then there is Kibwe. My sweet boy. He loves and looks up to his father so much, and it would destroy him if anything happened to him. I don't want our only son growing up without his father, Kiara I don't."

She now began sobbing. I nuzzled her in a sisterly way, sooting her.

"It's okay, just let it out."

She used her paw to wipe her eyes. "I want my family to be safe and happy. I don't want anything to happen to us."

"I know how you feel. Sometimes I even feel the same way with Kovu."

She sniffled. "Really?"

"Yes. I mean, he's not just a King, he's a husband and a father. He faces many dangers as well, but he always comes back home in one piece, happy and healthy. We have our own children as well and they would be so upset if anything happened to Kovu. So my point is, both of our husbands are hard workers, but we have to learn to live with the fact that they have to attend to their duties wether we like it or not. They do it to protect us."

"Your right." She sighed.

"Besides, my brother wouldn't even think about leaving you. He loves you way too much. I remember all the times he'd come to me and my parents blabbering on about how beautiful you were and how you'd be his someday, and look how that turned out." I smiled.

She nodded blushing. "Thank you, Kiara. I really needed that. You sound so much like your mother, so kindhearted and wise.."

"Thanks. You should talk to my brother about this when he gets back home. Maybe you both can work something out..."

"Okay." She said, standing up and exiting out of the cave, maybe to get some fresh air.

I laid my head down over my paws and before I shut them for a peaceful nap, medium size paw steps caused me to open them. My daughter Nama entered the den. I smiled at her as she resembled so much of me and Kovu both. She was growing up beautifully.

"Hey sweetie." I greeted her, and she laid down.

"Oh, hi mother..." She greeted in an odd tone. I lifted a brow and sat up straight.

"What's the matter?"

She looked up at me. "Mom, be honest. Have I been acting ungrateful lately?"

"Of course not, and where is this coming from dear?"

She leaned in close. "Can you keep this between us? I really don't want dad or Leo finding out about this. You know how protective they are of me..."

I looked unsure at first, but then nodded. She gave me a half smile.

"Okay, so yesterday afternoon after my hunting classes, I decided to go relax alone in the fields. Little did I know I was in for a bad surprise. Before I could fall asleep, some voices began speaking lowly in the grass and then out popped two hyenas." I gasped, but she continued to speak.

"They said they came here to do what they planned to, and that was to kill me. I was alone, so no one would be able to hear my cries for help. They began to chase me, barking and snapping at my feet. Just when I thought they were about to end me, a male lion jumped out to my rescue. He fought them off, but got badly injured in the process. I helped him up, and warned him quickly to leave because if father found him it wouldn't turn out pretty. We both began to argue and he called me ungrateful because I didn't thank him. I told him I could've totally fought them off on my own, but he didn't believe me. Then I accidentally mentioned his pride, and he got extremely defensive and stormed off. We haven't spoken since." She concluded.

I honestly didn't know how to feel, upset at Nama for speaking to that stranger or happy that he saved her life.

"Mom you there?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as she waved her paw in my face. "Yes."

"What should I do? I feel horrible for being so rude to him, but at the same time I don't. He shouldn't be here. You know how father is. He usually prefers to keep strangers away from our lands."

"I understand. I'll promise to keep this between us, but I think you should thank that lion one more time before giving him a final warning. If he doesn't leave after that, then we will have no choice than to confront him."

She nodded and gave me a hug. "Thank you so much mom. I love you!"

I licked her forehead. "I love you too dear, now go on ahead before it gets too late. If he isn't here, than just come back home. Be sure to avoid your father just in case."

"Just in case of what?" A deep voice said from the entrance of the cave. I looked ahead seeing my darling husband looking at us with curious eyes.

"Nothing, daddy." Nama said, smiling widely. "I'm just going to go speak with Lana about something extremely important. Girl talk!"

Kovu lifted his paws. "Okay, okay. I'd rather stay out of it."

We all shared a laugh. Nama jogged out of the cave, while Kovu walked up to me, giving me an affectionate nuzzle. I purred, kissing his cheek.

"Your back from patrol early, dear." I said, as he laid down in exhaustion.

"Yeah. I spoke to Zazu and the elephants earlier. They claim that the hyenas are back again."

"Just when we thought the disappeared..."

"They never did like we thought. I'll get down to this a bit later on tonight, for now. I need a nap."

I chuckled, laying beside him as he shut his emerald green eyes. I nuzzled my face slowly into his dark brown mane and fell asleep at his side.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now