04| Off the Hook

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three days later, early afternoon...

"Mom, Dad, are we there yet?" My son, Kibwe asked as all three of us made our way to Pride Rock.

"Yes, were almost there." I chuckled.

Apart from becoming the Pride Lands Lion Guard, I also became a loving husband and father. It's a bit of a challenge trying to manage my guard duty and family, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I met my wife, Arielle, one day when I was strolling through the lands. I noticed that she was struggling with her hunting skills, so I jumped in to help. She was stubborn, and wouldn't admit that I helped her out.

After that day, I knew something good was going to happen between us, and now here we are, married and parents to our hyperactive son.

Arielle has a light, cream fur color, caramel eyes, and a brown muzzle and underbelly. Kibwe takes after me, except he has his mothers eye color. One day, he'll grow up to be a strong Lion guard just like me.

We finally made it to Pride Rock. My sister was sitting on the ledge, staring at the bright kingdom. She smiled as she saw me and my family walk up the rocky steps.

"Hey sis." I said as I gave her a nuzzle. She also nuzzled Arielle in a sisterly way, and placed her paw on Kibwe's small head.

"Hey there Kibwe. You've gotten so tall since I last saw you!"

"I know. Dad says I'll become strong and tall like him one day!"

"Is that so?" She chuckled.


"Well, your cousins are inside the cave if you're looking for them." Kiara smiled.

"What? Why aren't they out here playing?" Kibwe asked, curiosity written all over his face.

"They're on punishment, Kibwe."

"I'll go ask them why!" He said as he ran into the cave. Arielle followed behind him.

"What happened? Why are they on punishment?" I say down and asked my sister.

"Kovu and I caught them in the Out Lands with hyenas. They were about to kill them and their friend, Lana, but we stopped them right in their tracks. I don't want to even imagine what would've happened if we hadn't gotten there in time."

"The hyenas are back again? I wonder what they're up to now.." I said. I've taken a short break from the Lion Guard to tend to my family, so I haven't been that caught up on what's been happening.

"Planning to kill us as always, nothing new. And the Cubs have to learn their lesson." She says, flicking her tail.

"Well sis, you have to understand that they're just Cubs. We were young once, and we made some mistakes. It's all apart of growing up. Yes, they have to learn, but punishing them forever won't do anything."

She sighed. "I guess your right. I'll talk to Kovu when he gets back."

I nodded and walked into the den.

"Uncle Kion!" Nama and Leo ran up to  me. I fell over with a laugh.

"Hey Leo, and Nama. You've both gotten so big since I last saw you! You both look just like your parents."

"Thanks. We've been good, well except for the fact that we got grounded." Nana's ears fell flat.

"I know, your mom told me what happened. You guys could've gotten killed, you know that right?" I said.

"Yes.." They said in sync.

"Your parents would be devastated if something happened to you two."

"Yeah, I mean I would hate to lose you guys too! You're my family, and family is supposed to protect each other. I don't know what I'd do without my older cousins." Kibwe joined in, standing close beside his cousins.

"Awww, how sweet Kibwe!" Arielle said.

"We don't know what we'd do without you either, I wouldn't have anyone to wrestle with!" Leo challenged.

"Oh yeah?" My son smirked back.

They began to wrestle, growling and biting each other's ears in a playful manner.


The time then shifted to dusk, the sky turning to a light orange color. Kiara and Kovu talked it over, and Leo and Nama got ungrounded. I'm glad I was able to influence their decision.

"Thanks again Uncle Kion. Please come back soon!" Leo yelled as we descended  the steps into the plains.

"We will!"

We all made it back to our small den, cuddling close together. Tommorow, I'm taking Kibwe on his first Lion Guard lesson, so we both have to get plenty of rest.

I let out a purr as Arielle kissed my cheek and hugged Kibwe tightly.

Tommrow is a new day....


Sorry for the wait guys. I've been so busy with school but finally had some down time to write today! Not only that, but we've almost hit 100 reads! Thanks so much for the support! This series will get better I promise! I hope you all enjoy this chapter❤️

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