48| The Battle Begins

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The Pride Lands once so full of a clear blue sky and clouds was now being smothered in red hot flames and thick smoke. I was lounging atop Pride Rock, drowning incredibly deep inside my thoughts. I was feeling a sudden urge to tell my parents what was happening, until the smell of burning hit my nose.

I race quickly down the rocky steps, and come across Nama, Tau, and Hadiya running down frantically as well. I follow after them.

"You guys what's going on?" I ask frantically.

"There is a fire and hyenas have invaded the Pride Lands, Leo ordered us to stay out and keep a close eye on your mother. He's gone to help your father fight off some of them at the waterhole. Runa must have bought the entire clan, who knows if more are around here!" Nama said, crying tears out of her reddish brown eyes. Tau try to comfort her in the best way he can.

I turn to my right and see Lana leading the lionesses down Pride Rock and rushing them into the fiery grasslands to help. Seeing my once gorgeous home tumbling down before my eyes made me feel so horrible, me being the cause of it all.

Anger pulsed heavily throughout my veins as I stood up on all fours and began sprinting as fast as I could across the hot landscape. Sweat began to form on my light cream fur when heat came in near contact. Tree branches fell and animals began trying to sprint to safety, but some couldn't make it. Their dead bodies lay on the ground and I gasp, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Kibwe!" I hear a feminine voice call. The musical tone cause me to slow down my running speed but I continue jogging.

"Adia, not now.. can't you see what's happening? This is all my fault!" I say.

She run up beside me and match my jogging pace. "No, it's not. The hyenas have made it clear many years ago that they would come back and get their revenge on the Pride Lands and all its creatures. This is just their timing!"

"Adia you don't get it do you? If I would have just killed that Runa, none of this would have happened! I heard that they are reportedly targeting my mother as well, and since she is pregnant this whole war thing will definitely be taking a toll on her. How will she even look at me the same when she discovers the truth? That I sided with the enemy?"

"We have talked about this already, you're parents will still and always continue to love you."

I stare right inside her gorgeous ocean blue eyes looking for an answer somewhere. "And what about you?"

She knew what question I was asking, but I could still see in her face that she she was caught off guard by my question. "W-what?"

I shake my head and turn away from her, and as soon as my vision refocused I see my father and Leo fighting off a slew of hyenas. Father had two pinning him down and taking blows at him while Leo was fighting his own battle one on one with another hyena. I analyze his skills and see he is beginning to become a much better fighter and gained a ton of strength and muscle.

I then rush to my father's aid and see him getting bitten and scratched by the malicious African dogs. I refrain from using my special gifted Lion Guard roar  because I may injure Leo and my dad while some animals who were escaping to safer territory. I grab one hyena by its scruff and sling it far into a big rock, and his head gets hit pretty hard. The other hyena pinning my father stares hard at me, darkness and anger filling her eyes.

"Why Kibwe! You've got some nerve! Runa came here looking just for you, so watch your back!"

I grab her by the throat and pin her to the ground, crushing her windpipes underneath my strong teeth and jaws. Her dead body freezes and I drop it on the ground. I see Adia rush up and help my father stand up on his paws. He thanks her and winces in pain, having deep cuts and marks all over his orange fur. His full red main also looks dusty, covered with dirt and blood.

"Adia, take him to Badru's tree, now!" I say frantically, more guilt welling up inside my body.

"Wait, son. What did that hyena mean when she said Runa came here looking for you?" He ask in a very concern tone.

"Adia!" I yell, avoiding any further discussion on this topic. She jumps but then nods quickly, leading him to the tall baobab tree that still stands tall in the distance.

Father shoot me one last glance, his face looking hurt and somewhat disappointed in me. Tears form in my hazel orbs. I wipe them away noticeably fast and hear a evil snicker rushing up behind me.

There I see a few male hyenas pacing towards me in a straight line, I immediately get into my fighting stance and crouch down. I hear another and much darker chuckle, a female one to be exact. The hyenas step aside to reveal their one and only hyena matriarch, Runa.

She pace around me, and I couldn't want anything more right now then to rip her throat out. She bought all of this pain and suffering on me, and because of it my family and home is falling apart.

"Why young Kibwe.. it's been a nice few  weeks since we've last seen eachother hasn't it?"

"Get out Runa! You don't belong here and never have, your clan do not deserve to live amongst the Pride Lands. Breaking rules, constantly sneaking inside, hurting innocent creatures, you are pure evil, and that's all you will ever be. Your mate died because you and your clan couldn't follow simple commands. Your children aren't doing so well either I heard. This will never be your home."

She was torn apart by my words, and I did that on purpose, hitting a low blow like that. Her emotions of sadness, heartbreak and rage were written all across her face. She pounce in the air to attack me.

"How dare you!"

We stand face to face, claws and fangs drawn out ready to attack and spill

Aunt Kovu and Uncle Kiara, I'm sorry. Your kingdom is falling apart because of me and my selfish decisions. Now is my time to fix them, even if I die in the process...

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now