19| Shooting Stars

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I sat at the edge of Pride Rock, scanning my eyes out on the open grasslands. I look to my left and walking up the rocky steps is Nama. Tears stained her reddish brown eyes and streamed down her face.

"Nama? What's wrong?" I ask in a concern tone. She looked up at me and tried to wipe away her tears.

"Nothing um, everything's perfectly fine."

I lift a brow. "Are you sure? You know you can talk to me."

She nodded, and began walking slowly into the cave. "I know. I'm okay, thanks Lana..."

I looked down at my paws and sat down in confusion. Nama was never one to be this stubborn when it came to anything. Maybe she just had a bad day? Hopefully I'll be able to learn the full story.

"Lannnaaa!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Leo running towards me. It looks like he and his father had just returned from his King lessons. I laughed and playfully pinned him down.

"Hey there! Looks like someone missed me.." I teased, smirking.

He blushed. "Psssh, whaaaattt? I just haven't seen you all day and was worried that's all."

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my hazel eyes and allowed him to get up. "Anyways, how were your lessons?"

"Tiring, but worth it. I've really began taking my lessons seriously and learning what it means to be a true King."

I smiled. "I'm proud of you, and actually.." I looked down, blushing a bit. "There was something I wanted to show you."

He looked intrigued. "Really?"

"Yeah. I mean, if that's okay.."

"Of course it is! Let me go talk to my father." He winked and walked over to where his father was speaking to one of the lionesses. They paused their conversation and looked up as he approached. The King looked over at me and nodded. Leo came back smiling.

"He said it's alright if we go, just not to stay out too late and to be careful."

"Alright let's go."

We both walked side by side down Pride Rock's steps, Leo having a curious look in his eyes the entire time. I smiled finding it cute.

"So uh, where are you taking me again?"

"Somewhere. Now stop with the questions and move it slowpoke!" I bumped into his side playfully and began taking off running.

"Slowpoke? Hey, wait up!" He called behind me. I smirked as I began picking up my running pace, in which he couldn't really catch up. He was slowly getting out of breath.

I scanned my eyes around the area seeing that we arrived at our destination. A tall grassy hill stood in the distance, winds softly blowing the grass in different directions. Evening began to fade away and night began falling, a thin crescent moon appearing in the sky behind dark clouds.

"Lana? Are we here yet?" A tired Leo asked out of breath.

I nodded slowly, and began stalking up the soft grassy hill. "Yes, remember this place?"

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now