29| The Past

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After eating lunch with the Pride, Nama and I decided to get away for a while, mainly because she had something she apparently wanted to talk to me about. I was a little nervous, mainly because back when I had saved her from the hyenas, she had mentioned my pride. That's a sensitive topic that I usually don't want to talk about. It left such a deep mark in me to the point where even thinking about it makes me want to burst into tears. Hadiya doesn't like to mention it either sometimes.

"We're here. Tau? TAU?"

"Huh, what?" I asked, snapping back to reality.

She giggled. "We made it."

I shifted my eyes towards where we were standing, which just so happened to be a tall hill that overlooked all of the Pride Lands.

"Woaaah." I gasped in wonder, my golden eyes filled with so much excitement.

"Like it?" She asked, sitting close beside me.

"Like it? I love it! It's so gorgeous up here! And look, you can even see Pride Rock in the distance!" I pointed with my paw.

"I know, my mom used to take my brother and I up here all the time when we were young cubs. She'd tell us stories of how she and father fell in love, our grandparents' legacy, and even a little kingdom history here and there. Those were good times...."

She shut her reddish brown eyes for a small moment, soft and warm winds blowing around her. She smiled lightly, causing me to as well.

"So uh, what exactly did you want to talk to me about?"

She focused her reddish brown eyes back onto me.

"Oops, my bad!" She said sweetly before laying down in the soft green grass. "I came to talk to you about your past and pride. I've never really heard about you or your background before."

I sighed loudly, squinting my eyes. "Nama, I've told you before that you don't know about my past and I'm pretty sure you don't want to. It wasn't good for me."

"No, Tau." She protested, standing back up and softly rubbing her nose against my cheek. "I want to get to know the real you, not the you that puts on this whole bravery act around me and my family. I can tell that inside your hiding something from me, and I'm determined to find out what it is."

I chuckled lightly. "Wow you're so stubborn."

She laughed as well, and we both laid back down together. I took a deep breath before beginning.

"It's okay, I'm right here." She reassured me. I nodded, and began speaking.

"I was born and raised in a pride called the 'Mountain Pride' , along with my sister, Hadiya. Both of our parents, 'Reth' meaning the King or the Ruler, and 'Tabia' meaning polite behavior and talented, were both the strong rulers of our pride. Our lands were very small so our parents weren't as well known as yours are. Anyways, our father in the beginning was very kind hearted and loving. He always took Hadiya and I on walks, we'd play games together, and he'd tell us amazing stories. My mother was always opening her heart up to others and being the kindest person she could be. She loved our father and her children dearly. We were her precious gifts."

Nama smiled. "Your parents sound amazing, just like you."

"Thanks, but sooner things began to go south in our pride."

"What do you mean? Did something happen?"

I sighed once more. "My father began going crazy. He thought that being the King meant that he could boss everyone around, including me, my mom and Hadiya. He began snapping at pride members, kicking some out, and even going as far as hitting some because they simply wouldn't do what they told and wanted him to."

"Oh my goodness, that's terrible!" Nama gasped.

"That's not even the worst part. My father also thought that I wasn't worthy for the title of being a King after he passed. Someone had to take over the pride and he didn't think I had the potential to do so. So he began to secretly mate with a few other lionesses behind our backs, because unfortunately my mother couldn't get pregnant again after she had me and my sister."

I began to cry. Nama nuzzled her face inside my almost fully grown brown mane, soothing me.

"It's okay. You don't have to continue if you don't want to. I understand that this is tough."

"No." I sniffled. "I'll keep going. We're friends and like you said, you want to get to know the real me."

I began speaking again.

"Years later, when my mother found out that father had more than one mate, she completely broke down. She couldn't believe it, and then one day as I was leaving to go out for an afternoon walk, I heard loud arguing coming from the den. It was my parents. Mother was planning on leaving the Pride and taking us with her, but my father refused to let her go. When mother couldn't take it anymore, she snapped, beginning to leave anyway, and that was when father had hit her across the face. My mother was on the ground, pleading for help. A flash of anger ignited in my seeing my mother on the ground, all of that pain and suffering being caused by my father. So, I attacked him. We began fighting, clawing and scratching at eachother. Hadiya rushed in and broke us apart."

I continued, "Mother laying there helplessly on the ground out of breath, told me and Hadiya to run. She told us to go somewhere else, somewhere safe. In my father's pride we had not freedom or safety at all. Mother taught us to always have our backs and to love eachother until the end. Thank god for her amazing hunting lessons that Hadiya and I took back when we were young teens. Now look at us, we're almost young adults, living in an amazing kingdom like yours all thanks to you and your wonderful family."

Nama looked completely speechless, not saying a word. I shook my head at her adorable and shocked look.

"Wow Tau, I never knew how strong and courageous you were. Stepping in to protect your mother and sister like that. You really are a hero.."

I chuckled. "Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Doing the right thing I guess you could say."

She placed her head underneath my chin, softly purring. "That's heroic in my book."

I closed my eyes and nuzzled her back, purring as well. Everytime I'm around Nama I've always felt happy on the inside, but now I'm feeling something different, not a friendship, but love...

We stood in that position a while longer before heading back to Pride Rock, laughing and talking with our tails intertwined.


Author's Note: Hi you guyyssss. I know I haven't updated this amazing book in yearrssss and I apologize. School has been keeping me so busy along with some other things I've been dealing with at home, buutttt now I'm back and here with another chapter for you all. 😁 Another one should be up by tonight and if not, tomorrow for sure. I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment! I love you all so freaking much lol! ❤️😊


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