42| Engagement

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I groaned and laid down inside the quiet cavern, deep in my thoughts. The voices of the lionesses talking excitedly amongst eachother just outside couldn't break the process going through my head. I just had to be alone.

That "surprise" I had for Nama the other night? It didn't go in the way I wanted it to and now that more of her family members have joined Pride Rock, she's going to be so caught up with them and barely focused on me. I can't blame myself for anything though, I learned that everything that happens is destined for a reason.

"Tauuuuu!" A cheery voice called. I lifted my head and saw my sister paw her way into the cavern excitedly with a big smile.

"Oh, hey Hadiya." I half smiled.

She sat down in front of me. "Did you get a chance to meet Vitani? I heard she's the King's sister and finally made her return back home, and her daughter Tia is such a sweetheart!"

"Heh yeah. I've met them already. They all seem very nice."

She notice my sad tone and frown slightly.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Oh nothing.."

She rolled her hazel orbs. "Oh come on Tau you can't fool me. I'm your sister, I can clearly tell when something is bothering you. Now what's up?"

I sighed. "Fine. It's Nama I guess."

"Oh. Did something happen between you two? An argument?"

"No, not at all. It's just, last night I wanted to take her out for a special surprise, to ask her something very important."

Hadiya lift a brow. "And what was it?"

I smiled. "Take a guess.."

The cave fell silent as she pondered in her thoughts and then a lightbulb appeared over her head.

"Oh my goodness? Big brother you were going to propose?!" She nearly screamed.

I sat halfway up with a chuckle. "Yes."

"OH MY GOODNESS AHHHHH!" She yelled, jumping up and down excitingly.

My eyes quickly bulged as I rushed to cover her mouth. She stopped her movement.

"Shhhhh, I don't want everyone to know yet. I still have to go through with asking her you know..."

She laughed. "Ohh righhhttt."

I shook my head and laughed at her as well. My sister was just so silly!

We both turned our heads to the entrance/exit of the cave hearing very loud paw steps approaching. Entering was the King. I notice how tired and older his body now looks. Before when I first met him, he was more muscular and had a lot of energy. He is now getting elderly and becoming more exhausted.

"Good afternoon Hadiya and Tau." His voice greeted.

Hadiya and I both bowed. "You as well your majesty."

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now