07| Betrothed

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"So last night as we were patrolling the lands, we spotted two hyenas taking off with a half-eaten animal." Kion explained.

Kovu, Kion, and I were currently sitting inside the cave, discussing a way to get rid of these hyenas. Apparently, they've been sneaking in and killing too many of our animals. If this keeps up, many of the herds will take off for safety to another location.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

"The only choice we have is to talk to them." Said Kion.

"What?! You both could get badly injured, or worse even killed if you say the wrong words!"

Kovu shift his green eyes towards my red ones. "He's right, Kiara. We have no other option. The more animals they kill, the more the Circle of Life falls out of balance."


"Calm down, sis. You worry too much. Me and Kovu will handle this, and we will come back home in one piece, okay?"

I sigh, "Fine. Just please be careful!"

"We'll be fine, love. Trust me." He lick my right cheek. I smile, releasing a soft purr.

Kovu and Kion both stand up and make their way outside of the cave. I follow shortly behind, watching them enter the tall plains.

Once I can no longer see them, I walk down the rocky steps, and head under Pride Rock where the lionesses are lazily napping in the shade. I approach Ama who was laying on a warm rock, grooming her paws and face.

"Good afternoon, Ama!" I greet, sitting.

"Afternoon Kiara! Where's your husband going?"

"Heading to talk with Janja and his clan. My brother Kion caught two hyenas last night stealing a zebra carcass. He wants to discuss over the regulations with them once more."

Ama rolls her hazel eyes, "Always a hyena problem! Me and the hunting party work extremely hard to find a large enough prey for the Pride, and soon they'll all migrate somewhere else."

"I know."

"Lets hope they will finally understand the law here and follow the rules."


"Mom! Mom!" A small voice said below me. It was my daughter, Nama. I nuzzled her softly.

"Guess what? I hunted and caught a lizard today! Lana helped me!"

"Yeah! We worked together as a team and caught our target off guard." Lana approached the scene.

I chuckled, "That's very good, dear!"

Ama chuckled as well, "Yeah, two awesome little hunters! Soon you guys will be able to hunt larger animals your mommies!"

"We can't wait!" They said in sync, and walked back over to my son, Leo, who immediately tackled Lana on her feet. I laughed a bit as I watched them play.

"You know Ama, I've been thinking..."

"About what?" She turns her eyes off the Cubs and towards me.

"What if we betroth Leo and Lana?"

She gasp. "This early? They're still so young..."

"I know, but my parents were betrothed at the exact same age. I know once they grow older they'll adjust to the responsibilities."

"I guess so.."

I playfully shove her, "Oh think about it! Both of our kids as the future rulers. Wouldn't that be amazing to watch? Them grow up, fall in love, and have my grandcubs!"

"Hmmm, it actually doesn't sound that bad..." She reconsidered, smiling.

"So it's settled. Once me and Kovu step down from the crown, Leo and Lana will become the next King and Queen of Pride Rock."

"Haha yep!" Ama chimed in.


I know this was a short update, lol. Just a quick morning write before school😄. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and be sure to stay tuned for more updates ❤️

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