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The sun began setting in the sky, orange and pink colors beginning to paint the sky. The hot and boiling afternoon heat disappeared, cool winds blowing throughout the large landscape.

I breathed out a sigh and stopped pacing back and forth. I had to fix this mess with Adia. I honestly don't like how things became so awkward and complicated between us, although I have no one to blame but myself. That small comment I gave Hadiya wasn't intended to be flirting or romantic in any way. I was simply being a nice guy.

And Adia. I never wanted or meant to hurt her in any way, and knowing that I did is killing me. After talking with Leo earlier today, I realized why she was acting so angry with me. Knowing that I hurt someone I love upset me more than anything.

Before overthinking anymore than I already was, I stood up on all four of my paws and began running through the tall grasses towards the a small lake, a bit distant from Pride Rock.

I remember once Adia told me that she comes here to think and clear her head...

Hopefully she's there...

I took a small shortcut like the one she showed me and stood on top of a large, gray rock, scanning my hazel eyes around in search for her.

"Adia?" I called.

Nothing came back, just the sound of my echo.

"Adia? Please if your here, talk to me. I know you're probably still angry with me, but I came to make things right."

"Kibwe?" Another voice called.

I recognized that voice. The soft and melodic tone. It was Adia. She emerged from behind a bush, her beautiful and bright blue eyes stained with tears. She quickly tried wiping them away with her paw.

"What are you doing here?" She sniffled. "It's getting late. Shouldn't you be home with everyone else?"

I lift my right brow. "And shouldn't you?"

She didn't say a word, just looking down at her colorless paws. I hopped off of the rock slowly and walked closer towards her. I could feel her tense up so I stopped and sat down.

"Look, before you say anything or try to run away from me, can we talk for just a minute, please?" I said.

She sighed and sat down as well, making direct eye contact with me. "Fine, but only a minute..."

I breathed a sigh of relief that she was actually letting me get an explanation out.

"Okay, so what you saw before with me and Hadiya, it didn't mean anything. I was simply complimenting her and being nice to her because she was new here. I didn't mean it in any romantic way at all."

"It didn't seem like it to me.." She trailed off.

"That's why I'm here to explain and tell you what really happened."

She looked at me once more, and began to cry another tear.

"Well, I guess now is the right time for me to apologize too. I acted like a jealous fool towards Hadiya and was being totally rude to you. I was only thinking about myself and my own personal feelings... I'm sorry."

I walked up to her and gave her a head bud. She continued to cry and even got some tears onto my fur and into my mane, but I don't care. She's hurting and needs me here.

"It's okay, don't blame yourself though. It was my mistake for not considering your feelings at that moment." I then lifted her chin, her eyes staring deep inside my hazel ones. "Besides, there's only one lioness that I want."

"And who's that?"

I leaned in close and licked her nose. "You."

She smiled and nuzzled her face deep inside my red mane. "And you're the only lion that I have eyes for. I've known that since the day I first met you."

Hearing those words made my heart beat a million miles more. Adia and I are meant to be together. We continued cuddling underneath the late afternoon sky, cool winds blowing surrounding us. I could feel Grandpa Simba's approving spirit.

Hello, Grandfather...

Suddenly, a small drop of water fell on my nose. I broke away from Adia, looking in the sky only to see that dark clouds had formed and heavy rain was beginning to fall. I gasped and so did Adia.

"Wow, this rain came out of no where!" She said, covering her eyes.

"Yeah, let's make it back home before it gets even worse. Our parents are probably worried sick!" I yelled over the loud rain splashing against the grass.

"I'll race ya!" I heard her challenge before she took off sprinting back to Pride Rock.

"Hey wait for me!"

We both began taking off running again, this time laughing and yelling together as the rain pelted both of us, not even caring about the sounds of the loud thunder or the white streaks of lightning filling the air. It felt like we were the only two lions in the world, just loving one another and enjoying eachother's company.

Once we made it back to Pride Rock we both entered the large cavern with loud laughter. Adia shook out her beautiful tan fur, while I shook out my light color fur and shook my mane out beside her on purpose.

"Hey!" She said with a fake frown, before covering her paw with her mouth, trying to stop her incoming laugh.

"Someone's having a bad hair day."

"Whatever," I said, smirking and shaking it back into its rightful place. "Is that better?"

"Much." She teased, head budding me once more, this time purring.



We both broke apart seeing our parents run forward with relieved looks on their faces. Adia's mother and sister attacked her with hugs, while my parents did the same.

"Thank goodness you both made it back before the rain storm had gotten any worse." Mother said, hugging me tightly.

"Yes, it looks like some bad rain will be approaching tonight." Father added, looking at the exit/entrance of the cave.

"How are you feeling son? Is everything okay?" Mother asked. I smiled and looked towards Adia who was busily talking with her mom and sister. She met my gaze and blushed.

I nodded. "Yeah, everything is perfect..."

The entire pride went into their normal sleeping spots, cuddling together and waiting anxiously for the rainstorm to pass. Adia's warm fur brushed up against mine, making me relax. She kissed me cheek before laying down and closing her eyes.

"Goodnight.." I heard her softly whisper.

"Goodnight." I replied, before the sound of the rain sent me into a deep slumber.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now