23| Confrontation

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"Come along son, ready for afternoon patrol?"

I laid on the edge of Pride Rock, scanning my eyes across the open savannah. I watched as animal herds wandered around, enjoying the bright afternoon. My time of peace was soon interrupted once father's deep voice entered my ears. I twitched them and quickly stood up, and straightened my posture walking towards him. Zazu sat on his broad shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go." I said, walking slowly behind as we both descended Pride Rock and entered the tall grasses.

We took a short stroll to the watering hole, where many hippos and elephants were cooling off in the water, splashing eachother with laughter. One mother elephant stopped her playing and bowed respectfully to father and I.

"Oh goodmorning King Kovu, and hello to you too Prince Leo. My how handsome you've grown." She said, looking over me.

I nodded. "Thank you, Jabari."

As part of being a King, you have to know a majority of the animal population that lives here. Mother once told me that all of the animals came to me and Nana's presentation to the kingdom years ago. I don't remember a single thing since I was so small.

I chuckled at the thought, and Zazu turned to me and sat on my shoulder.

"What's so funny?" He laughed.

"Oh nothing, just remembering when I first got presented to the kingdom along with my sister. My parents said I wouldn't stop crying that day."

Zazu chuckled. "Heh, yeah. Nama was more calm and quiet than you, even though you were the oldest. But you've actually grown up jusssttt a little bit."

I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Meaning you have matured, but somewhat still have a kid friendly mind. You don't tend to think on most things before you do them."

I growled playfully. "You know what my first job will be when I become King? I'm firing you Zazu and finding a new majordomo."

"You sound just like your grandfather Simba. He said the exact same thing when he was a cub and I've still remained the royal advisor for quite some time now."

"Well, I'm committed to that promise, Zazu."

"Sure, okay."

I rolled my eyes playfully, and shifted them back to my father who was now walking around and speaking to all of the animals. He seemed to be having deep conversations with all of them.

"Hey dad." I spoke. "Why don't I go look around some more? You seem to be pretty busy right now."

"I'll be sure to go with him your majesty, just in case anything happens. I'll rush to you and Kiara in a hurry!" Zazu butted in.

He looked over us suspiciously before returning to his conversation. "Alright, I trust you both. Leo knows his way around the kingdom pretty well and it shouldn't be an issue. Be careful and be sure to report back any suspicion you see."

We both nodded and began walking in a different direction and into an open grass field where many animals were filling their bellies with fresh green grass.

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now