18| Hero

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Late morning sunlight beamed across the savannah, awakening all forces of life. Flowers began spreading their pedals, allowing an opening of sun to shine through them, their sweet scent filling the air. Warm winds brushed throughout the lands, softly blowing the green grass. Animals of all kinds were waking up to begin their morning. I opened my golden eyes with a loud yawn, causing my sister Hadiya to roll over at my side.

"Morning already?" She asked sleepily.

I nodded, chuckling. "Yeah, a brand new day. It's nearly the afternoon."

She stood on all her four paws, shaking out her light fur. "We both must've been really tired from all of that traveling. Anywho, why don't we go hunt breakfast."

"You know, why don't I actually hunt breakfast?"

"Alone?" She shook her head. "No, Tau. We said that we would stick together the entire time that we are here. So I'm going with you."

"I will be fine. I'll just hunt something quick and come back, okay? I don't want the both of us to get hurt."

"You're so lucky you are my big brother. Alright fine, but please hurry back. I don't want anything to happen to you." She laid back down.

"Thanks." I nuzzle her and then rush outside the den, quickly ducking my body below the tall grasses.

I scan my eyes across the lands, seeing herds of animals everywhere. My eyes land on a female gazelle that is busy munching on the damp grass, while her little calf plays closely by her side. Before I could get even closer, the sound of paw steps walking stopped me in my tracks. I ducked even lower on the ground.

I looked up and saw that it was the Princess. The scent of her fur nearly intoxicated me, and her tail brushed against my nose. I smiled as I saw her lay on top of a tall brown rock underneath a shady tree.

"Finally, some piece and quiet." She said in a soft voice. She closed her reddish brown eyes and placed her head over her paws for a nap.

Yes, we've got a loner!

And she's distant from her Pride which is even better!

Two more voices said. I twitched my ears. A twig suddenly snapped. The Princess sat up in annoyance.

"Can I ever get some silence around here?" She muttered to herself.

Dammit you idiot! You woke her!

Whatever, let's just do what we came here for..

Two male hyenas emerged from the grasses. They both were brown and had black spots on their fur. The Princess got down from the rock fully alarmed.

"Hyenas? We thought you had all vanished!"

The first and larger male chuckled. "Think again, lioness."

"She's not just a regular lioness, Jabari. I smell royalty..." The second one smirked.

"Aaah, so your the Princess we've heard so much about.."

The Lion King Origins: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now