6; You've got boundaries, asswipe

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Quote Of the Day: Not friends, Not enemies, just strangers with the same memories.

Question Of the Day: What is one of your favorite things to snack on randomly? Like, at 4 am or something, whats the first thing you wanna eat?

Dan's View

I woke up dazed, a normal thing now. The smell of brewed coffee and pancakes caught my attention, I rubbed my eyes and looked at my surroundings, it felt new, clean. I panicked. I jumped up, searching for the bag. Any trace left of it, that's when I saw it in the corner next to my desk. I picked it up, noticing it was empty. I was furious. Completely fucking furious.

"PHIL!" I screamed, I waltzed in the kitchen like a mad teenager.

"Oh, hey Dan, I made-"

"I don't give a shit, where is it?"

"Good-morning to you too then,"

"Answer the fucking question!" I yelled. He turned around, calmly.

"I flushed it." My eyes widened, Tears welled up in my eyes. Not sad ones, angry ones.

"What the fuck, Phil!?" I screamed, he looked at me surprised.

"That was all he had left, you stupid fuck!" I yelled, I put my hands in my hair and paced the room.

"What is the problem with that?"

"Oh, my fucking -- What's the problem? What's the problem!?" I stood there, baffled, at his reactions to this.

"Yes. What is the problem with that?"

"The problem is, I need that to fucking get by!"

"Was it prescribed by a doctor?"

"Why the fuck should that have to do with anything?!"

"I'm guessing that's a no." He grumbled putting his mug down.

"You know what!? Fuck you! You can't just come back, and then fucking go through my shit, okay?! That's not okay! Don't make any fucking decisions for me, you got that!? Don't!"

"Dan, you shot up heroin right in front of me, what did you expect!?"

"Oh why the fuck would you care!?"

"I don't know!"

"Don't go through my shit. Ever. Did you get that? If I want to do those things, then I can." I stated calmly, glaring at him.

"Goddammit, what the fuck am I gonna do now?! Ugh! That was my last stop!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you know how much this shit costs me?! Half of a fucking grand, Phil! Now that's all down the drain! Thanks. Couldn't do anything without you, huh? Best buddies for life, right?" I licked my lips, looking up and down at him and scoffing. I couldn't fucking believe him right now, I'm addicted to this shit. You can't just throw it away!

Usually, I shoot up, maybe twice a day. Once in the morning and one time in the evening, just to settle me down. Now that I don't have that, I kept pacing around. I don't know what I was doing but I trashed my room, trying to look for maybe my spoon or something. Something that could get me at least a bit high, it hasn't even been 2 hours since Phil and I fought. My stomach and arm were killing me, I glanced at my arm, seeing it being a bit purple blister in the crevice of my elbow. Fuck, it was infected. I could just . . . sleep it off. Yeah. . .


I woke up around five o'clock with a scream of pain, Phil must've heard because he came rushing in, concerned. I clenched my teeth and groaned loudly,

"What's wrong?" He hurried to me as I clutched my arm,

"My fuckin' arm is killing me!" I groaned another swear word,

"Let me see," I looked at him for a moment, breathing heavily. "Please?" I handed him my arm and he put the tiniest bit of pressure on it and I screamed. Tears gathered in my eyes, I've never endured pain like this, ever.

"We have to get you to a hospital, fast." I panicked

"No please don't," I groaned again. Phil finally snapped,

"Do you wanna lose your fucking arm, Dan?!" I stopped struggling then, I didn't.

I shook my head at him, "Then get in the fucking car." He said, his breathing back to normal. I screeched out once again when I lifted my arm to get the seat-belt on.

I was sweating now, I'm having withdrawal. I could hear my blood pulsing through my veins. I could hear my teeth grinding together. I could feel my that my heart was in my throat but I definitely could feel the pulse of pain that coursed through me every time I merely moved my arm,

"Who gave it to you?!" He yelled, panicking as well. I was covered in sweat and I was groaning non-stop.

"Bre-Brendon" I muttered and my eyes rolled back.

Phil's View)

I got out my phone quickly and dialed Brendon's number. On the third ring, he picked up, before he even said anything I yelled through the phone.

"What's wrong with him?!"

"What the fuck are ya talking about!?"

"His arm!"

"Oh shit, what happened?"

"It looks infected, and like really badly. It's painful. TO the extent, Dan just now passed out from it." My voice shook, but I was stern with him.

"Oh fuck, what's the last thing he took?"

"He shot up, that's all I know."

"Okay, Okay, that could mean two things."

"What?" We were halfway to the hospital, I could see it in the distance.

"Tainted Drugs or, a used needle."

"Okay, so what should I do!?"

"Make sure you get him to the hospital as soon as possible or he's gonna lose his fucking arm, Phil." I hung up then and sped up a bit. I rammed my car into a parking spot and got out, ran to the other side and got him. I picked him up bridal style with no trouble, he was so skinny.

I ran into the opening and screamed for one of the nurses, and several doctors swarmed around me, asking questions. There's one thing, I'm not gonna do. I couldn't. I wouldn't. It'd be really fucked up if I did. I didn't want to rat him out so I made up an excuse for finding him like this.

They took him away on a gurney, and as soon as Dan left the room, Brendon busted in, looking flustered. I didn't even say hi, I punched him square in the jaw.

"Why the fuck, were you selling drugs to him!?"

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