10; You're one to complain, Sugar.

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Quote of the day: You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around it.

Question Of the Day: Whats the worst struggle you've had within yourself? And the thing you did to overcome it, or are you still struggling?

Dan's View

"You've only been here for two months, Dan. The hell are you doing complaining, boy?" Kellin was here and so was Vic so that was a bonus for me since I knew some people. I guess you could say that I wasn't coping well, I had asked and asked over and over, when had I got here. Because the pain was so bad. My stomach jolted every few seconds, so it made me think I had to throw up, but, I couldn't keep anything down anyway so I would just be heaving dry air. My head is killing me to the point where I want someone to put my lights out. They only time they let me out is when I looked like I was done throwing chunks, which I wasn't and just ended up heaving in the rec room,

I don't really get along with anyone here either, even though, like Kellin had said, 'two months'. It felt like centuries.

"Yeah. and I've been here for two years . . . what about it?" A jersey accent caught my attention, my eyes started to sting, I didn't want to turn around, but I did anyway.


"The one and only," He leaned on the door, with his foot over the other, holding a cigarette in his skinny fingers. I ran to him, hugging him tightly.

"Holy shit," I breathed and he laughed, rubbing my head reassuringly with his other hand.

"Haven't seen you in forever, asshole." I managed, breathless. Gee was in his mid-twenties, while I, only 19. I knew him because his boyfriend knew my mom. We got along pretty well, it was the year when I was struggling with my sexuality and he helped me discover myself. I am forever in debt to his priceless advice. I could hear one of his old stories anytime, I'd listen to them for hours.

"Watch your language, pretty boy." He smiled and I smacked my lips and punched his arm playfully. We sat down across from Kell and Vic, which were occupied by each other's lips.

"How 'bout we just go to your room, yeah?" His voice was playful but raspy, he probably fucked up his lungs with the cancer sticks.

"Yeah, let's go," I said, he followed behind me, occasionally having the cigarette smoke blow my way and for some reason, I liked it. The smell of tobacco smoke relaxed me. My dad had smoked them heavily, so whenever I smell one, I think of home. My home with my dad. Was that a bad thing? I didn't think it was. Some people have that one smell that takes you back when you were young. Scented candles, cooked pasta, roasted marshmallows, something as simple as a cheap perfume could bring back so much.

"What? You want one?" He asked me, I slowly nodded my head, he grabbed a full pack from his back pocket and threw it at me.

"How do you get these? You buy them?" He shook his head and smiled,

"Frank usually gets me a full 12 pack of em every week. He knows how much I smoke." I took the lighter from him and hesitantly lit it, and breathed in. I took it out and coughed loudly, It stung but, I was used to weed. This wasn't as bad, I breathed it in again, feeling warmth flood my lungs as I inhaled, it was a comforting feeling.

"So, why are you in here, Dani?" He laughed, both of us taking a drag. I sighed, I had almost forgotten about the aching pain in my abdomen. I leaned back against the soft bed, while he sat in the reclining chair.

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