35; Their blood is on your hands

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(Since they got a new flat, I'm bout to throw in some very dramatic scenes because that's what I do,)

When I opened the door, it definitely surprised me that Brendon was on the ground, in a fetal position, groaning and withering underneath Frank, Gee was on the wall, completely shaking, and breathing heavy, Phil tried to calm him down while trying to get Frank off of Brendon. I ran over to where Frank was and tried to pry him off.

Frank was still punching him though, kicking and yelling at him, making sure he got a hell of a good beating from him. Frank wasn't a fighter, I knew that, but when it was needed, he did it. And in his opinion, I guess he needed to.

Something was bubbling inside me though, I hated physical fighting, absolutely couldn't stand it. It was something that I had dealt with all my life as a preteen, fighting with everyone and anyone that got in my way, until I met Phil, and he changed me, but now anytime a fight was going on, I'd want to join in, because the adrenaline rush you get when you're fighting is something I never understood, and could never explain.

"Get the fuck off of him! Jesus Christ!" I yelled, still struggling, Ryan went to Brendon, and picked him up and set him on the bed,

"What the hell, Frank!?" I asked, honestly surprised this came from him. Like I said, Frank wasn't a fighter.

"He said something-" He caught his breath, "About Gee," He gasped, "And I got angry. . ."

"Fucking hell-" I scoffed, looking to Gee, seeing him completely caving in on himself.

"Shit," I muttered, going to comfort Gee. He didn't like being in arguments, let alone full on fist fighting. I looked at Frank and sighed, he looked like he wanted to go comfort Gerard but it seemed like he couldn't, it looked like he was fighting an internal battle with himself.

"Couldn't we all just fucking act nice! For once!" I yelled, Brendon and Frank put their heads down in shame, and Phil put a reassuring touch to my shoulder,

"I have just about had enough of all this bullshit! Can't we have one day, one day, where everything is normal?! Calm!? One thing after another! Its like a cycle and I can't fucking deal with this stupid shit! So would you please, for the love of god, Cooperate with me! Help me out, okay!? No more fucking fighting!" I couldn't take it anymore, everything was just piling up, and piling up. There's only so much I can take.

First with Phil! Then the drugs and booze! Then the struggle of rehab! Drama with Patrick! Drama with Josh and Tyler! My mother's situation! Gee and frankie's situation! I'm fucking engaged all of a sudden! And then, like nothing, Brendon comes strolling by, high on some coke, almost fucking killed himself! Then Ryan, and his dramatic way of seeing things, jesus. . . christ.

I sat down, on the ground and I wrapped my fingers together and put it on the back of my neck and shoved my face into my knees. I could feel the itch on my wrists and I sighed, getting up and going out of the room without looking back at anyone, I went to the receptionists and signed out, I walked with my hands stuffed into my jeans pocket, which were fairly big and headed back to the apartment.

I knew it was a long walk, since I didn't have the car but, oh well, it was giving me time to think about things. The air was humid, but a slight chill to it. The sky was dark, filled with gray and blue clouds, probably filled with heavy rain. I could smell it in the air that it was getting ready to pour but I hoped that I would get home in time. Just then, a crack of thunder erupted above me, and I almost shit my pants.

I saw some lightening ahead of me and I started to walk faster, feeling little droplets as I walked. I enjoyed it though, I liked this weather, not raining, just sprinkling and warm winds. The sky right about now represented my mood, I felt dull, overwhelmed by some of the events . . . but still a bit dull.

What had happened? I had forgotten to ask what Brendon had said but, I guess it doesn't matter now, since it was said and done. And Frank took care of the situation, of course not in the correct way, but still, it was handled. I couldn't really focus on one exact thought since they were all over the place, and the decision on walking to think, had hit its full extent and now, I thought it wasn't such a good idea.

I saw our street sign come into view, and also, smoke.

Smoke? Why would there be- Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

I started running down the street frantically, pushing some people aside, I saw the building and it was caught in flames. But what had caused this?

"What happened?!" I yelled to a paramedic, and he carried a few people in,

"Gas leak. Blew the whole place up." He said simply, I choked, All of my shit was in that, everything. Everything that was sentimental was in that house. I got out my phone to call Phil, it rung a few minutes before picking up.

"Hey whats up, we were just leaving-"

"Phil, the flat is- Gone." I choked,

"Wait what, what do you mean the flat is gone?"

"It caught on fire, from apparently a gas leak in the building."

"Was anybody in the apartment building?!" He suddenly screamed, I flinched

"I don't know! Why!?"

"Before we left, Your friends, Kellin and Vic, I told them to stay there until Brendon gets out!" That's when I ran inside the building, breaking through some fire fighters. They yelled for me to return, but I was already heading up the burnt steps.

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