25; I can't handle reality, you should know this.

15 0 3

       Jesus Christ, Did I really affect him like that? He is completely and utterly oblivious to the fact that I know what the fuck is going on. I know about Patrick. I had called into this rehab that he had gone to and found out that he has one or two friends, so me being me, decided to look them up. Not on the internet of course but on their lists, which I may say was quite easy, which was kind of weird because I presume that these lists are only for staff, and the fact that I got a hold of them so quickly made me feel special in some sort.

      I had found this Patrick kid, and I had looked through his file. Mind you that it was just curiosity that had possessed me to go through his privacy. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself, after all, he is dead. Apparently, he had a boyfriend 'Pete' who had been there with him since day one and then suddenly broke up with Patrick, and well, Patrick didn't take it the way everyone would have thought.

       I had felt a bit of sympathy for the kid because I could guess why Pete had done that. He couldn't handle Patrick's drug problem, and all Patrick was doing was bringing Pete down with him and I guess he had enough. I contemplated going to look for this 'Pete' on social media but then if I did end up finding him, what would I say?

'Oh, sorry about your boyfriend. My lover was the same way but he's less stubborn' Yeah right. I could never, but I would definitely go through every one of his social media pages, just to find some sort of comfort. Comfort for what though? Dan had been suicidal I knew that, but I don't think he ever took it so seriously.

"What the hell is his problem?" Gee came into the kitchen with very obvious sex hair, but I didn't question it. Come to think of it, I had never really thought about my sex life, and I don't think right now would be the best time to think about that anyway.

"He's . . . heartbroken. About Patrick."

"Patrick? The little twit at rehab that would always steal my cigarettes when I wasn't looking?" I chuckled without humor,

"How should I know?" I softly smiled, the coffee being too much for me. Every time I would take a sip, the bitterness was always distracting me in some way. So I slid the cup forward, knowing full well that Gerard would gladly drink it. I swear he's addicted.

"So what now? Do you think he'll forgive him?" He says and I back up a little, a confused look on my face.

"Forgive him? He's angry?" I asked, my brows furrowing in exasperation. If there was something I didn't know about him, I needed to know.

"You're so blind, Phillip. Can't you see that he is clearly pissed? I mean, he's been treating you like shit-"

"But that's because of the argument we had." Gee scoffed, sipping the liquid quietly. The five seconds of silence was enough to get it through my head that Dan wasn't exactly pissed at me, I guess.

"He's already forgiven you-"

"But he said-"

"I know what he said, but we say things when we're angry that we really don't mean. And Don't compare this to drunk thoughts because with my observations, he seemed pretty sober, just full of hatred at the fact that the person who helped him get through the dreadful rehab, is now gone. Now stop self-pitying, we have things to take care of."

"What do you mean, 'things to take care of'?"

"Where exactly did Dan say he was going before his outburst?"

"Well, it was after really-"

"Just answer the question."

"The bar." He said softly, Gee's eyes hardened, and he tensed a bit. Alcohol. Shit.

"Exactly, now, I can pretty much assure you that he is at least a bit tipsy right now, So I suggest that we come and get him before he does something he regrets."

"I guess you're right."

"When am I not? Now start the car."

"How would we know what bar he went to-"

"There are only two local bars in this city that I am very aware of, so he won't be far."


Very short but thats only cause I haven't had any motivation for this because I am currently occupied with my other stories... anyways, Hope you enjoyed

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