14; Supernatural Who.re

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Quote of The Day: One day you will wake up and smile for no damn reason, and I'll be there to smile back.

Question of the day: What is it like to have someone truly love you?

Dan's View

"Rise and shine, pretty boy. Let's go," Gee jumped on my bed, I grumbled under my blankets, pulling them over my face more and laying in a fetal position. It was way too early for this.

"Come on, sleepyhead. You got a week left here, let's celebrate." I could hear the smile in his voice, which made me smile as well. I lifted the covers a bit, looking at him.

"Can I get my morning coffee first?" I chuckled.

"Fine, but then we must go for a walk." He stated,

"Yeah Yeah, but first let me shower. Can I get a smoke?" I smiled, and he gave me another pack. I've been smoking these non-stop, I could finally tell why people were addicted to them, they helped me calm down.

I went into the shower and did the normal thing most people did while in the showers, obviously, and went to meet Gee in the cafeteria. I saw him taking drags from his cigarette before I lit one myself,

"Okay, so, I have an idea." He said the light in his eyes glowed, making me smile softly.

"Mhm, and what's that?" I asked, tapping the fag in the ashtray.

"I was thinking you should do something rebellious." He wide smile reached his eyes, and I looked at him warily,

"Like what?"

". . . Change your aesthetic?"

"The hell does that mean?" I laughed.

"Like, you're all about dark and black and emo and shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about that 'shit' too but . . . It's fucking time for a change."

"Ouch, did you have to throw in emo though?"

"Oh come on, you are absolutely obsessed with Muse, Nirvana, Green Day and all those really alternative bands. I would call that pretty emo. Besides, what genre is Muse anyway?"

"Electronica, I believe. But you're seriously calling me emo? When you are like the emo god around here, with your firetruck locks and eyeliner." He smacked my arm, playfully.

"I'm more into the 80's alternative." He trailed and I nodded at him. "But anyways!" He pulled the original conversation back, "I was thinking some tattoos, and dying your hair, and maybe some piercings and like-"

"Piercings? Hair dye? Tattoos? What the hell are we talking about, cause I'm not that punk, no, that's more Phil. He's edgier than me . . . I think."

"Okay, so how about pastel?"


"No, you Supernatural whore, Pastel." I furrowed my brows, pastel? I kinda liked that idea, I wanted to change now. I felt like it would be cool, you only live once I guess.

"So, if I did decide to get tattoos and piercings, where would they be?" I asked, and he lit up.

"You should get one on your hand like a purple/pink rose type thing, and one on your neck. For piercings . . . No lip piercings, but bellybutton and your eyebrow would seem cool?" He was observing me like he was imagining me with all these things.

"Okay... I could do that. But with what money?"

"Well... I have my ways, honey. You should get Phil to do this with us, cause I have to do my roots, you guys would probably be really fucking cute, the pastel and the punk. That's like, every fan-fiction ever." My stomach fluttered with butterflies, making me blush. The thought of me and Phil being back together made me smile a bit, but then get insecure. Would he take me back after this? Would he forgive what I had done to him? What I'd done to myself, really...

Gee pulled me back out of those thoughts but only made things worse for me.

"You never did tell me the reason why you two broke up, sugar."

I stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, I honestly didn't know myself, I could ask Phil, but I didn't want the situation to become awkward, or something. Besides, I never did do anything. I never once looked at another person the way I did to Phil.

"I told you that I didn't know, remember?" I took the last drag and drank some of my coffee, blowing it out after I swallowed the warm liquid.

"Yeah, I do. Just thought you weren't ready to tell me or something." I nodded understandingly.

"But, let's go." Gee suddenly pulled me up, "You can take your coffee if you'd like."

"Wait, we're doing this now?" I asked, my eyebrows raised so high, that I probably looked like Mickey Milkovich.

"Uh, We have nothing to lose. Plus, I want to get my hair done today. Oh yeah, what color are you planning to change your hair."

"I was thinking maybe silver. Like, real silver with dark roots. Would that look like something I would do? Would that be a Dan move?"

"I mean, you only live once, right?"

"I'm pretty positive."

"Then why wait?"

"No reason to,"

"That's the fucking spirit, come on sugar, let's get this show on the road. After my people are done with you, you'll be glowing."

"Don't they say that to pregnant women?" I laughed,

"Oh shut up and accept the compliment." He laughed too,

We went up to the front desk and signed ourselves out, When I tried to look at the time he put for how long we'd be out, he pulled me back. I grumbled and he just skipped around the sidewalk, like it was the most precious thing there was, besides me there. I swear he treats me like a toddler. I mean, I guess I could understand, cause the first time I met Gee, he had to babysit me when I was like eight, And I remember it like it was yesterday,

He came to my house with this other boy, Frankie, and at the time I think they were 14 maybe? 16? I don't remember but, they came and Gee fucking adored me, like he would give me ice cream, and walk me places, take me to the park, or would always offer to play dinosaurs with me, or something as simple as listening to my stories that I told, I was very dramatic at a young age.

As the years went by, he'd always come over to see me, literally. Frankie usually came over to help my Dad with his car parts and I just played with Gee. I remember when I was fourteen, the first time I experienced a boner from a boy. I was confused, and I didn't know who to go to. None of my friends back then, were like me, they were always cooing over the "hot chicks" in middle school.

He came into my room and sat with me until I started to cry, I don't really remember why, but I did, and he comforted me and asked me what was wrong. I told him about it, and he helped me find out if I liked boys.

Not in a sexual way or anything, just in general. He asked me if I still like girls and I said that I didn't know, so he wanted me to watch p.orn, straight po.rn, and I didn't like it. It didn't really do anything for me. He used to take me to the beach and help me spot out the guys that looked hot, or attractive to me. Then he pointed to some girls a normal straight guy found attractive and it once again, did nothing for me.

"Hey Gee, remember when I was trying to figure out my sexuality and you made me kiss one of your guy friends when I was like 15?"

"Oh my god, you remember that?" He snorted,

"I mean, how could I forget my first kiss?" I smiled,

"What the shit, Daniel? I never knew that was your first! I could've gotten a way better guy for you!" He laughed and I smiled.

"I wasn't complaining.." I muttered.

"Ou, so you did like him?" I blushed and pulled my sleeve to my face.

"Shut up," I whined.

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