9; Stop this, its ridiculous.

27 1 1


Quote of The Day: As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.

Question of The Day: (This is personal I know) What was the worst day of your life?


We had managed to leave the hospital without any interference with any of the officers or nurses, just odd looks. I carried him out, either way, ignoring the scoffs of people when they saw me carrying him. What was so bad about this?

I put him in the seat, his eyes barely looking at me, everywhere but me. He was still sweating like crazy and groaning, I wasn't like that with alcohol, it was just a mere craving, like, thirst almost. Like how people who were extremely dehydrated and were desperate for water, that's how I was with alcohol. But, I've never seen this before, even with past experiences to guide me, I still didn't know how to handle it.

It wasn't a bad thing, actually, it was, but I ignored that for some reason and turned on the car, this was bad, this was extremely bad. I think I need to do something that I think I'd never think I'd do. I'm going to betray Dan so badly, I had agreed to get him more heroin but, I have no experience with those things, I couldn't just go and get it, and with what money? I had looked into it and realized how much money Dan had wasted. He had wasted his whole college tuition. All of it.

"I'm sorry, Dan." He groaned in response and I drove towards the rehab center. I had made an arrangement for Dan to be there for as long as possible. So he could get better, I knew this was gonna turn bad. I know that he would probably hate me, never talk to me again, but I'm doing this for him. Besides, I'm the one who's making him like this.

"Why are you going this way? The place is over east," He could barely talk with short breaths.

"No, we're not going there anymore." His eyes shot open when he saw the place I had pulled up to. He stared at the building, and then, he started to laugh.

"You really expected me to go in there?" He laughed again, which made me confused.

"Yeah, I did."

"And what in God's name gave you the right to make decisions for me?" He added, cackling, shaking his head.

"I mean, unless you wanna be miserable you're whole life, yes, I expected you to go in." I was angry, how could he be so selfish?

"I'm not miserable, and I'm okay." He sat up, turning to face me.

"You almost fucking got your arm severed off because you were shooting up,"

"You're stating the obvious." He told me, being very stubborn.

"Dan! Just do this for yourself then! If not for me, then just do this for yourself! Get your damn life together! Do something that requires skill not shoving a needle in your fucking arm! This isn't okay, and you know it isn't. You need to go in there and fix yourself up! When you get out, I will be right here to congratulate you, whether you want it or not." I was seething at this point, but I think I made myself clear, seeing as though his eyes had almost bulged out of his head.

He was silent for few seconds, "How long will I stay here?"

"That, depends on you." Again silence, I didn't know what to say or do, but then I just said fuck it, and turned on the car, pulling it into reverse. I half expected this to happen.

"W-wait!" He yelled, making me stop, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"I'll... I'll go." He said, my heart leaped, I swear I was gonna scream,

"Wait, really?!" I whispered,

"Hurry up and let's go in before I change my mind. And I'm only doing this for you, by the way." He said sarcastically, but, it filled me up with warmth as I looked at him, he stared at me with a small smile as I turned the car off again.

"Come on," I said

"What about clothes?"

"I'll bring them by later."

"And my phone, my laptop?"

"That... is not allowed here." He groaned,

"How am I going to survive!?" He laughed and I smiled,

"You'll manage." I hummed,

We walked into the lobby to see other people walking around, others in robes. We saw people behind us, in rooms, playing chess and or either checkers. Dan looked around like he didn't want to be here, which I'm sure he didn't. I smiled at the lady behind the desk and said his name, she nodded at me and told me to bring him to her and say my goodbyes.

"So this is it?" He asked,

"Not long, Danny. Just don't do anything to make you stay longer, and you'll be out faster than light." I told him, he then lunged at me, wrapping his skinny arms around my neck, crushing me. I hugged back just as hard,

"Wait for me?" I said he nodded into my neck, feeling my neck begin to wet, my eyes stung then.



"Yeah . . . I will."

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