33; I'm High enough,

12 0 0


Quote of the Day: This world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it. 

Question of the Day: Favorite Author? On here or irl works too. Mine is Stephanie Meyers, Jay Asher, tragician_child, and mychemicalrachel 

(This whole chapter will be in Brendon's Point of view and will have one song to describe their situation. Hold onto your hats folks, you haven't seen nothing yet)


I don't like anyone better than you, its true. I'd crawl a mile in a desolate place with the snakes,

   I looked at Dan in confusion before looking towards the door, I felt my heart burst and I desperately wanted to sob. He looked as pretty as ever, his eyes a chocolate brown, filled with tears. His features scrunched up, desperate to avoid the truth that he wasn't about to cry, but I knew. I could tell from the minute he walked in. He chewed on his lip from the inside, still not saying anything. 

Just for you, Oh I'm an animal Hand me a tramadol, gimme the juice.

"Hi," He shakily said, the sound of his voice was high pitched and velvety. It was heartwarming to hear again. I haven't heard the sound of his voice in such a long time. 

I used to like liquor to get me inspired, but you look so beautiful, my new supplier. 

"Hi," I said back to him. Dan looked between us and decided that it was best to go. He put his arm on my shoulder before standing up, but before he could leave, Ryan grabbed his arm and hugged him tightly. I smiled at the sight, Ryan didn't let his emotions come through though. 

I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking, but I found a different buzz.

   Dan let go and so did Ry, once he left, the door shut quietly and I saw Ryan looking at the floor before he slowly stepped forward. He looked up at me, and I stared back at him, not knowing what the hell I should say. 

"How are you?" He asked, scared to raise his voice even in the slightest. 

The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it, I know they got pills to help me forget it.

"I . . . could be better." I admitted, he shifted his weight, scared to come closer. 

"It's something, though . . . " To say it was awkward would be an understatement, but I couldn't help myself around him. All I wanted to do right now, is just scoop him up and coddle him so he feels safe again, I didn't like to see him cry and it was definitely rare when he did.

They bottle it, call it medicine. 

"Okay, well-" He started but I cut him off quickly

"Why are you here?" I asked him, he cleared his throat a bit, he swallowed and breathed out of his mouth. He was trying so hard not to cry,

"Well, I am on the emergency list to call if something bad happened to you-"

But, I don't need drugs.

"You could've easily just passed the opportunity up-"

"And why would I do that, Brendon?" He snapped harshly, I shut my mouth for a couple of seconds. I didn't want to set us both off, not yet anyway. I don't want to argue, but that's the only time when we both say our true feelings.

"Well I don't know, you tell me, Ryan," I said and his eyes had a hint of guilt behind them, but he didn't let it show, it was a flicker of it, came and went with a tap of a finger. 

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