31; Brendon.

22 0 7


Quote of the Day: Never apologize for who you are.

Question of the day: Whats your nationality? Mine is Italian. 


"What the hell were you thinking?!" Gee whisper screamed at me. 

"I know! Look, I love him, he loves me, its gonna work." I couldn't get why he was mad at me, did he not approve? That would be heartbreaking because he was like a second parent to me, him and Frank.     

"I'm not worried about that! I'm just furious that he didn't do it properly, the little shit! He's supposed to take you somewhere nice, and you two dress up! And he gets you a ring! Not in the middle of the hospital after a friend of Phil's almost dies! No! That's not how it goes! I swear I'm gonna deck the shit out of him." He shook his head and I laughed at him.

"We aren't that original Gee, the way you grew up was different-"

"Different my ass, It's the same thing! You're engaged now though, holy hell. And to think that I'd marry Frank first. Or in general." He laughed, 

"Yeah, I thought that too." I smiled, and then he stopped, looking at me intensely. I was avoiding the question I wanted to ask but he seemed eager to ask me his questions first. 

"You love him?" 

"Yes, but-"

"Does he make you happy, sugar?" 

"Yeah, but-"

"You think that he'll be there for you, always?"

"Mhm, but-"

"But what?"

"But aren't you gonna say that I sound like every teenager since the dawn of time?" He looked at me and sipped at his coffee. 

"Honey, you've never really been a teenager. Hell, you act my age sometimes -- and older." I put a hand to my chest in a fake hurt way, 

"Damn, you sayin' I'm old or something?" He laughed, 

"Sweetie, you look like every single boy in 2007 who loves Nirvana, I'm talking about your mindset, dork." Happiness was clearly in the air, the two of us were both smiling, but I was sipping wine. Now that I think about it, every time we talked, he always had something to drink, whether it be coffee, alcohol, or a smoothie. It was always something. 

   My thoughts were cut off by a knock at the door, it was fast, and an almost desperate knock. I looked at Gee and gave him a look that said, 'Expecting someone?' He shrugged and I put the wine down. I walked up to the door in a hurry and basically skipped to the door, 

"Who is it?" I called, 

"I-Its Brendon," His voice was muffled a bit.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed, I flew the door open and took a look at him. His eyes were sunken in and he looked skinnier the last time I saw him, his eyes looked as if he were dead. His face held no emotion except a small smile in greeting, his hands were jittery and he was grinding his teeth together so hard that I could probably hear it a mile away.

"Holy shit," His smile went down a bit and he cleared his throat.

"U-Uhm, could I, uh, Come in?" His voice was a whisper but panicked as well, I moved out of the way so he could step in and he thanked me. 

"H-Hi," I said and he came up and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we hugged. I could smell cigarette smoke and weed reeking from his sweater. I could feel his bones as I hugged him, he wasn't eating and I'm pretty sure he was still doing drugs by the looks of it. 

"Who was at the door -- Oh my god." Gee walked over and accidentally dropped his glass. The only one who reacted was Brendon, he jumped a lot more than necessary and I furrowed my brows in concern. 

"Uh, you hungry? I'm sure you could use something." 

"Yeah, t-that'd be great." He walked towards the stool and I got out some chicken breasts and let them soak for a few minutes while I made marinara. I was making dinner before Phil got back anyway so, I guess there's gonna be one extra unexpected guest.

"How've you been?" He was picking at the sleeves of his sweater and his leg was bouncing. He kept moving his hair a bit. 

"Not so hot." His Brooklyn accent still never failed to impress me. Gerard was finished cleaning his mess and threw away the broken glass, he looked over at Brendon, then at me and he had the most worried look on his face and I sighed, seasoning the chicken and started to sear it in the pan. 

"How's Ryan?" Brendon's breath hitched a bit, and he wiped his face with his hands tiredly, His eyes were glassy. 

"I don't know, haven't spoken to him in a while," He said, his voice shaky. Gerard was cutting up some vegetables when he finally slammed the knife down, making us all jump. 

"Cut the shit, why are you here?" He said, putting a hand on his hip and giving Brendon a stern look, while I, started to shred the chicken while it was hot. The pulsing heat feeling extremely good on my cold fingers, but a little overwhelming.

"I . . . just came to --" He stopped, his breathing getting a little heavy. He looked stressed, and a little disoriented. The fucker is high out of his mind, 

"You came to what? You obviously came for something, what is it?!" Gerard wasn't yelling, just was really stern with Brendon. I looked over at him to find him almost swaying. 

"Hey, Bren," I snapped my fingers at him, "What the hell." He looked up at me before his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and fell out of the chair. I screamed and Gee gasped, he ran over to him to see Brendon convulsing on the floor, foam building up in his mouth, that's when I heard the door open and close again.

"What the fuck!" Frank gasped, looking at everything that was going on. Brendon's eyes were just going everywhere except us, his body was being thrown around. And then, he just stopped. He lied there with eyes closed, and body still. Gee put two fingers in the crook of his neck,

"Dan . . . he's not breathing. Oh my god, Oh my god, he's not breathing!" 

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