29; Carry him in your heart.

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   Thats the doc^
***Filler really,

   I was confused, I had met them? Maybe if Josh wasn't sobbing into my shoulder, he would be recognizable to me. We were on our way to the hospital and I was in the back holding the crying man in my arms as he clung to me desperately. I looked at Phil in the mirror to find him looking exhausted. One thing after another, huh? We can never have a moment of peace. 

  I sighed, and stroked Josh's blazing blue hair, it felt dry and calloused but soft. The color was amazing, I liked it on him. I wonder why this had to happen? Obviously other people had some serious problems. I guess everyone does have their own demons after all, but I don't think I feel anything for this boy except. . . well, I don't know really. It takes a lot for me to pity someone, so I don't think that I pity him, 

   I didn't know whether to feel empathy, or just no remorse. I definitely felt remorse cause hell, he tried to kill himself. Anyone that would attempt that had my remorse. But I just couldn't figure out how I felt about this situation. Its like, its not hitting me yet. I don't think it really sunk in.

"Josh, love. Look at me." I pull at his shoulder, and almost robotically, he sat up. Still sniffling a bit, but he concentrated on my expression. And I decided then that I liked him, he respected me, even in heartbreak. He looked at me warily though, unsure of why I had asked.

"What had happened?" I asked slowly, as if I talked too fast for him, he'd break again. He sighed shakily, not answering for a little bit. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Phil glance at me with concerned eyes, his hands tightening around the wheel.

"It- It was a misunderstanding, he- He took things the wrong way, things weren't handled right." I knew that, things were definitely not handled right. 

"But what made him jump to assumptions?" Josh snapped his eyes up to me, almost pleading me to help him. Other people, I'd find that pathetic and weak but him, Oh, sympathy and warmth came from me entirely, it was like I was projecting it to him. 

"He thought that I had cheated on him, but I didn't, I swear I didn't-" 

"Don't worry. I believe you, Just continue."

"Well," He gulped, taking a breath. "Before I could confirm that I didn't, he already took a bunch of pills and a bunch of- of alcohol an-and he forgave me right before he-" Oh so this is how it went. Young love was very strong. He cried against me again, holding my hand tightly.

"Phil, could you call some people, see whats up with Tyler?" I asked him, But I wasn't planning on asking this, I just needed something else to focus on, other than his sobs and my stupid thoughts I've drowned myself with. 

"We're almost here, Danny. Its alright." He said, it made me calm a little, but not much. I couldn't tell Josh much, I didn't have- well, I did have experience with people dying around me, but, I don't think he needs advice, I think he just needs Tyler. Just Ty, and Ty only. 

"Come on, Hun. We're here." Josh looked up quickly, and took off his seat belt so fast that I thought he was gonna break his wrist trying to get it off,

"No, Josh- Here, let me. Its okay, calm down." I unbuckled his seat belt, as well as mine and I saw him get out of the car, and thank Phil. I got out then, seeing how me and Phil were so much taller than this man, But oh well. 

   Then Josh started to run, he ran to the hospital doors with no care about the cars who were pulling out, and coming in. A bunch of cars honked at him, but he gave no response, just continued on his way. I sighed and looked to Phil, his eyes told me everything, and I grabbed his hand, and started to walk to the receptionist. 

   By the time we got there, Josh was already holding his head in his hands on one of the plastic death chairs. They were so fucking uncomfortable, I would know anyway, by how many times I've been here. We went to sit next to him, and Phil patted his shoulder gently, and then pulling him into a hug, pulling my hand free. 

   But me being the clingy fuck, grabbed it again right after and sat across from Josh, looking at him with just nothing but concern. We sat there for at least twenty minutes before hearing the big clanks of hard shoes against the clean tiles and we all looked up.

"You all here for Tyler Joseph?" His accent was Scottish, strong, bold. His hair was luscious and looked ever so soft. The brown locks suited his face, he looked in his mid thirties and he was a bit short, but everyone to me and Phil looked short. 

"My name is Dr, McAvoy and Tyler is in good hands." He assured us with a smile, 

"Is he. . . alive?" Josh asked, putting his hand to his forehead, stressfully.

"Very much so, we pumped his stomach from all the pills and alcohol he consumed but he should be fine and well."

Thank fuck.

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