18; Sad Boys

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Quote of the Day: Do it now, and regret it later. This is your life, your decisions. Make it count.

Question Of the Day: What's the most dramatic thing that happened in your life, that you moved on quickly from?


"Dani, Calm Down, I'm sure she's okay, sugar." Gee held me as I shook against him, He stroked my hair until I was a little calmer, but I still was shaking like crazy. Not only am I worried for my mother, but I'm worried about Phil as well. I get out today, I don't know why but I've been confused lately, my feeling were all over the place, I couldn't stick with just one.

"What if he really, doesn't love me anymore, Gee? What if he really moved on, and we're just friends? I can't look at him the same if we were just friends . . ."

"Give it time, Love works wonders for all. He sent you here because he cared about you,"

"But he thinks it was his fault that I am here,"

"Isn't it?"

"Partially yes but the majority of the situation was on me. I didn't have to go all dramatic and do drugs, that's not his fault, he may have hurt me. But I could've handled it in a better way than going out and doing one of the most addictive drugs there is," I stopped rambling to see Gee starting to cry, and my chest twisted in agony at the sight.

"Oh god, What's wrong? Did I say something?" I cupped his face and furrowed my brows. He held my arms there, but I hugged him tightly and asked him again.

"It's just- Me and Frank had problems too, a lot of problems. Petty, stupid, small things we would argue about, until I had reached my limit. I went out and did drugs, and drank more alcohol than humanly possible, and that's where I fucked up, but now after I went here, the distance and the struggles of our relationship just connected us more than ever. Just because you made a stupid decision, doesn't mean you don't deserve love, sugar." I dropped my hands away from him.

"I- I don't know what to say . . ."

"Don't say anything. Let it sink in that you are not alone, and that this will work out. Even if you have doubts, you can still try."

"But what if he really did move on?"

"Then you do the exact same . . ."

"It's not that easy -- "

"No one said it was going to be easy, honey. It's going to be very difficult, but you need closure. Talk to him, ask him why? Share your inner feelings. I know Phil . . . he isn't the type to just run off without reason."

"So just . . . talk to him?"

"Just talk to him, tell him all your insecurities and questions. Phil is an understanding man, you know him better than I do, you know how much he can take. We're gonna go back to your house, me and Frank will go out for a little while, catch up on things . . . While you two talk."

"We're gonna do this today!?" My breathing stopped, I didn't know if I was able to face Phil after this, knowing that we were gonna eventually going to have talk about it.

"I missed my birthday," I suddenly said, and Gerard's eyes popped out of his head,

". . . So did I." I smiled sadly, us both hugging again.

"Daniel Howell, Gerard Way, your ride is here." The lady came up and checked our names off the short list.

"I'm proud of you Gee, you too Howell," I smiled at her,

"Thanks Mandy,"

"Aye and Gee?"


"I don't want to ever see your face in here ever again, unless you're visiting. Got that?"

He smiles and nods, "Of course."

We gathered our bags and we both stood by the door, almost afraid to open it.

"You'll think he'll like all this?" I asked him,

"Who the fuck wouldn't?" I giggled and took a deep breath before opening the lobby doors to find Frank and Phil laughing in unison. Once they heard the door open, they both looked up at us. Phil's eyes widened, and he grinned so big I thought that it would break his jaw. I threw my bag on the ground and ran to him, not really caring at this point, I jumped onto him and threw my arms on him, snaking my legs around his waist.

"You waited for me. . .?"

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" I squeezed tighter, and Phil did the exact same.

"Keep it PG you two," We heard Frank cackle but Phil didn't even react, just smiled again, picking up my bags and holding my hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw Gee wink.

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