20; Sick of losing soulmates,

27 0 6


Quote Of the Day: Don't wait for something that isn't going to happen.

It's your turn to ask questions, :)


I stared at Dan, lying in bed. I had missed this, It had been so long since we had any sort of contact with each other. I didn't want this moment of bliss to leave me, and, I don't think it will. As long as I know what he's doing, or where he is, I will feel comforted. I'm afraid to admit that I'm well . . . afraid. I'm afraid I might say something, anything, that could set him off, or so call 'trigger' him.

It scared me not knowing what I was capable of, I literally almost ruined his entire life, and that made me shiver internally. What if I hadn't come back? What if I decided to stay home that night? Would he even have his arm attached to him? What if I hadn't left him? Would he have pink scratches running up his thighs and arms? Would he even be alive, if I hadn't shown up?

"Oh my god, Phil, are you alright? Honey, why are you crying?" I had finally been able to realize the full extent of what I had done. I felt as if my breathing had stopped, I looked at him, and I sobbed. I cradled his face in my hands.

"I am so . . . so sorry." I breathed out, Dan looked confused, but held my hands to his face, almost as if I would let go. I wasn't planning to.

"Why are you sorry, Phil?" I didn't want to say it out loud, I couldn't. It was much scarier saying it.

"I can't -- I'm sorry," Tears weren't stopping, they just kept coming out without my consent.

"You can't what? Please tell me," He sat up to face me correctly, and when he moved I could see it all. The scars, the burns, the punctured needle wounds in his arms, everything.

"I did that, I made you do all of that," I rubbed my hands against his arms, holding back another sob. I looked at him again, seeing that he went silent. His eyes were softer, and his face held a small delicate smile, It was so pure.

"You didn't make me do anything. You may have hurt me before, but now, that's all behind us. We can't focus on the negativity, Phil. We already have enough to deal with at the moment." He smiled once more, making me feel extremely comforted as he wiped my tears for me,

"You're right, I'm sorry." I sat up, sniffling and wiping the rest of the tears off my face, shaking the resentment from my system. I shook my head once more, that's when I felt his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I accepted it, feeling the bump in my throat cease.

"Don't apologize for crying, you finally let yourself go. We all need to break down once in a while." He stated, and I nodded into his shoulder. We both let go and stood up. Dan was in shorts and a really big muse t-shirt, His hair ruffled and his tats on display. He was truly fucking beautiful.

"The hell are you staring at, mister?" He giggled.

"You're just . . . Fucking Gorgeous." He blushed and shook his head smiling.

"Come on, we gotta make breakfast for the fuck buddies in the other room." He smiled and I laughed with him.

Dan's View)

I was not letting this feeling erase from my system, I was never letting it go. It felt so good. Pure fucking happiness. An old feeling at this point but something I would never refuse to have. I loved being happy, I fucking adored it, and seeing that Phil was happy and content as well, just made me feel even better.

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