13; Forse se ci si provi per lui!

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(Lots of different languages such as French and italian :)

Quote of The Day: The world is not gonna stop for you, it'll go on... With, or without you.

Question of The Day: Favorite Phanfic On wattpad?

Phil's View

"Yeah, no, I've never really done something like this so I probably will break it or something," I muttered to myself. I was online trying to find a decent camera, not knowing what the hell I was looking for, I just typed in 'cameras for sale' to Google, My coffee was next to me, and three other mugs. I have no idea why I wouldn't just reuse the first one, but I just felt stressed to get a clean one.

I was losing my mind here, I felt like I was under house arrest except when I go to work, I was so bored, that I sorted my clothes in color order, and there was just a bunch of shirts where I didn't even know what the color was, it was just patterns upon patterns. Dan only had black and white clothes, so it could be pretty easy to sort his clothes out, I was pretty much Fiona Gallagher on house arrest, I swear.

I shook my head, every single thought retraces back to him, it honestly kinda bothers me now, every TV show I watch, every smell, every food source, everything just went to Dan, wondering if he would like it or, what he'd be doing at the moment, I was contemplating going to see him.

A hard knock on the door startled me out of my thought train, making me move my laptop to the side, almost making it collide with the mugs, but I saved it.

"Hold on," I called out, making the knocking stop. I put the mugs in the sink, and hurriedly went to answer the door, only to be met with Frank. I furrowed my brows, I was surprised he was here,

"Oh . . . Hi?" I laughed and he did as well,

"Hi, can I come in?"

"Uhm -- y-yeah! O-of course," I moved the door more open, making it more welcoming, I guess it worked because he waltzed right in.

"You came all the way over here from Jersey?" He smiled, sitting down on the couch. I sat on on the dining chairs, facing towards him, crossing my legs.

"Yeah, How've you been?" I snorted,

"I'm managing," He nodded and looked around, almost judging the apartment. Since I had so much time on my hands, I literally cleaned the house all the time, so it wasn't that much to judge.

"Can I ask you a question, you won't take it personally?" I nodded,

"How long have we known each other?" His accent went through my head, making me think.

"Hm . . . Maybe 10 years, max." I said,

"Ok alright, You never told me Dan was your boyfriend." I choked, surprisingly red in the face.

"I uh- Yeah, we were a thing for a while . . . "

"Mhm, and you know where he is now?" I nodded, looking down.

"You do?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"I'm the one who made him go up there." I muttered, and his eyes widened.

"You remember Gee?" He asked,

"Yeah, I do, How could I forget him, he was maybe the nicest person I've ever met." I smiled and his eyes kinda glistened, and he cleared his throat.

"He's in there with your boy,"

"Oh . . ." I went silent for a second, thinking about it. Gerard was in there with Dan? I'm sure he was okay with that . . .

"Sorry if this is deemed too personal but, what's he in for?"

"He uh- He's been in there for two years because of cocaine and alcoholism."

"Dan is in for heroin and a lot of other bad shit," I whispered, and Frank's head shot up,

"What!?" He yelled I jumped,


"I wasn't told this! Holy Hell, Phil. What the fuck even happened?!"

"He didn't tell you?"



"Gesu cristo cazzo! Dannazione, come hai potuto lasciare che questo accada?!" He jumped up off of the couch and pointed his finger at me in anger.

(Jesus fucking christ, god dammit! How could you let this happen?)

"Sta male in la a causa di voi! Perche si fargli fare questo? Questo non e accettato da me, e mai lo sara. Questo e poi cosi male, perche potrebbe non lo aiuta?" I got the last part, definitely.

(He's hurting in there because of you! Why would you let him do this?! This is not accepted by me, and never will be. Why couldn't you help him?)

"How could I help him?!"

"Avresti potuto fare qualcosa!" Got that too, All the years I've known him I knew what he was talking about. It made me boil in anger,

(You could have done something!)

"How!? What would you do?! Obviously you don't know how to either or Gee wouldn't be there!" He stopped, and glared.

"Come osi parlare di lui, non ha nulla a che fare con questo!"

(How dare you talk about him. He has nothing to do with this!)

"He has everything to do with this!"

"Come?!" He yelled,


"Parce qu'il est la avec Dan, et pour la meme chose! Drogues! Ils sont drogues tous les deux! Ils ont de la chance qu'ils aient pu aller a la reeducation au lieu de la prison!" My tongue was moving before I could even stop it. He knew what I was saying, we were both foreign in other languages but, it only made our argument more intense.

(Because he's in there with Dan for the same thing! Drugs! They're both on fucking drugs! They're lucky they went to rehab and Not jail!)

"Ti comporti come se non dare un cazzo! Fai? Probabilmente no, dal momento che si desidera loro di andare in prigione! Almeno che stanno cercando!"

(You act like you don't give a shit about them! Do you?! Probably not, considering you want them to go to prison!)

"Assez avec I'italien, Frank!"

(Enough with Italian, Frank!')

"Basta con i francesi, Phil!"

(Enough with the french, Phil!)

We looked at each other, and I sighed, This was all a really big mistake.

"Fuck. I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear it." I muttered, and he scratched the back of his neck and sat back down. I put my head in my hands and sighed again, rubbing my eyes a bit. Arguing made my head throb,

"I'm sorry . . . " He said, sniffling. I looked up and I softly smiled, I walked over to him and pulled him up to me, He hugged me back tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Phil." He choked and I nodded,

"It's alright, you're struggling just as much as me. You got a place here in London?" I asked him, He shook his head,

"Stay here,"

"What? Really?" He looked at me with a confused look,

"It's the least I can do for an old friend, come on."

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