23; You a l w a y s run away from everything.

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Quote Of the Day: We see what we want to see.

Question Of the Day: Does it ever bother you, that the fact people are counting on you to do something, but when you fail them, they say its okay? Like no, dude, I gotta do this.


       I was running, something that I didn't think I'd be doing for a long time. But I was, but eventually, I got too out of breath and had to stop. But by then, Brendon's was maybe a couple more blocks, and since I decided that I needed a little exercise, I started to pick up the pace and only running when my breathing was normal.

      I was just going to Brendon's because I wanted to talk, maybe get a little high, but just some weed. I promised myself that I would never do heroin after rehab. Even though the itch was clearly there, I didn't let it overtake my senses completely like It did once before.

      I started to regret how I reacted, hell I almost turned around. He doesn't trust me, I knew that now but, I was okay with it. Now, I was just relaxed because I knew after a while he would again, trust me. He just needed time, and I'm pretty sure he knew that now. I just didn't want to be in the same house as him right now, we both needed to just cool off. I'll just talk to Brendon for a bit, smoke, and then go. Nothing else.

      It was pitch black down the street and besides the lights shining down, It felt cold and scary. I had a bad feeling about this, but I shook it off and ignored my instincts. My steps were probably heard from a mile away, occasionally, there would be a silent car drive by me, and that would be the sound that would echo through my ears for five minutes straight.

       I was walking pretty fucking fast, so I knew I could only hear my footsteps. So when I heard a second pair right behind me, I jumped. They pushed their chest into my back and covered my mouth, And whispered to me.

"You shouldn't be walking so late at night like this," I recognized the voice but I couldn't really pin it. I felt fear course through my entire body, I felt as if my whole life was slashing right before my eyes. I attempted to try and hit them, but then they let me go, and started to laugh behind me. That's when I turned around, seeing two people that I knew on the ground, dying with laughter.

"You looked so fuckin' scared! Holy hell that was amazing, you should've seen your face!" I scowled at the boys. Kellin and Vic. Knew they'd be around here somewhere, just never would've guessed back with Brendon. I started to walk at the same pace again now realizing how paranoid I was now,

"Hey! Hey! Wait, where are you actually heading?" Kell asked,

"I was just going to Brendon's to smoke. What are you guys doing here?"

"We live with him," Vic chuckled, and Kellin nodded. I opened my mouth to say something but quickly shut it again.

"Oh," I managed to squeak, they laughed again. Locking their arms and legit started to skip to his house. It was cold as fuck, and they were wearing shorts and a t-shirt. They were high off their asses probably.

"What are guys even on?"

"Coke, weed, LSD, Some other shit, but I'm sure we can't really remember." I felt a rush of excitement flow through me, but it went away as quick as it came.

"Didn't you guys go to rehab?" I asked and they nodded.

"So you just decided to ruin your lives some more or what?"

"Nah, I am in rehab right now. But they all let us go out and cool off because some kid ended up offing himself. Right in the fucking living room too, which I don't get at all. Like, everybody could see it." My eyes widened, and I choked.

"What kid?" I asked quietly, they stopped looking at me confusingly.

"You knew him or something? He left like letters for all of us, actually, there's one that says your name." I felt like I couldn't feel my lungs. No, no, no, please no.



"What was his name?"

"Patrick Stump, weird kid, but he was cool." Everything just stopped. All at once.

"Where is the letter?"

"Still at the rehab place, why? Holy shit, are you okay? Hey, breathe!"

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