34; Now, we wait.

17 1 2

  Quote Of the Day: Lose yourself, lose everything.

Question Of the Day: Why the hell did you decide to read this? 

    I had left the room quickly, not knowing what to expect from the both of them, but one thing for sure, I did not expect Brendon to get that fucking violent with me. I tried not to think about it but my neck really fucking hurt. I couldn't focus, but I did notice the three people sitting out in the waiting room. 

   I waved to them, Phil looked up and sighed in relief. He stood up, and pulled me into a tight embrace. I welcomed it, I wrapped my arms around his as well. I closed my eyes and pulled him a bit tighter, needing the warmth and comfort he gave me. I wasn't a huger but hell, this was highly needed in my view. 

"How is he?" He whispered to me, I squeezed him a little tighter, scared of my own voice. 

"Well. . . he's going to be fine." 

"That's it?" Gerard stood up then, 

"What do you mean?" I asked, releasing Phil's grip a bit from turning away from him. 

"I mean, that's it? He's okay? I mean that's good but fuck, what do you think we should do about the drug problem?" I softly smiled at him,

"You don't have to worry about that, I promise. He agreed to get better." I said. Frank was silent, but he was there clutching Gee, supporting him the best way he could. I could tell something was up with Frank, he seemed out of it, like nothing was happening, nothing was going on. 

He looked like he was in his own little world,

"Frank? You good?" Gee asked. So I wasn't the only one who thought something was up with him. . .

"Hey!" I turned away from them to look to Brendon's room. "What the fuck do you want from me?" I heard yelling and constant banging coming from the room. We heard a little mumbling before Ryan opened the door and looked up at us with teary eyes. 

"Hey-" He put up his hands, and shook his head.

"Its fine, Everything is fine." He said, but I was no stranger to those type of lies. I couldn't stand them, really. 

"Ryan if you need-"

"I don't need anything. Actually, what I do need, is for that man to get his shit together. And, a fucking joint," He said, I walked up to him, hugging him. More tighter than in the room, this one was just for comfort. 

I seemed to be hugging a lot of people lately. I guess that's not a problem or anything, 

"You sure everything's okay?" He looked to me and his eyes told me everything. It was almost surprising because the Ryan I knew back in high school never let anyone see that, except Brendon of course. 

"Could we talk outside?" He asked, I nodded and told Phil that I'd be right back. He nodded before the three others headed into Bren's room. 

   Me and Ryan stepped outside walking a little to get away from the doors. He stopped, sitting on the curb of the sidewalk, he pulled out a small blunt. Lighting it and leaning against the stop sign, I sat down too, 

"So. . . what's up?" I asked, 

"Well, I am at the moment." He giggled, handing me it. I took a couple drags before giving it back to him. 

"Really though, what's up with you two? How long have you guys been. . . y'know, not together." I asked, kinda cautious. It was a touchy subject but he shrugged.

"Not that long actually, a month. Two months maybe?" He flicked the ashes of the end, and handed it to me again. 

"What made you stop?" I suddenly asked,

"I never stopped loving him, I don't think I ever will." He said, That's not what I meant.

"No, no, I know. I mean, what made you just suddenly stop doing drugs with him." I asked, his eyes widened.

"I don't know dude. . ." He took a drag, "It was time to grow up, I guess. I had to get things together. I couldn't just party my whole life. Besides, I realized what we were doing was just childish, fun, hell yes, but just not something I wanted to do anymore." He said, he handed me the blunt again, both of us pretty buzzed. 

"So what now?" 

"Now, we wait."

"For what?" 

"Well for Brendon of course, I'm not giving up on his dumbass." I laughed with him as we finished smoking. 

"You think we should check on 'em?" I asked, He nodded. We stood up and started to walk back to the room, once we got there, Ryan opened the door a little too slow. What I saw was not something I had anticipated for.

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