Chapter 3: Picture Time

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*Becca's POV*

I waited around for a while, reading magazines and flicking through my phone, when I got extremely bored.

I decided to go and see how the photo shoot was going.

I quickly checked myself over in the mirror: I had a pair of dark green skinny jeans on, with an ivory transparent blouse with a matching tank top underneath and a pair of black heeled boots. My hair was wavy and left loose.

I smiled before walking out to find the band.

I turned a corner and saw the shoot set up. The band was standing in front of a huge white sheet, a camera was placed on a stand in front of them with a boy around my age taking several pictures, and various lights were dotted around the area, brightening the stage.

I stood in the background, watching the band fool around and make stupid poses.

Riker suddenly saw me and waved slightly, and I returned the gesture. But, I couldn't keep my eyes off the photographer the whole time.

He was hot. Like, SERIOUSLY hot. Short brown hair, deep blue eyes, and an enormously ripped body. His arms were so muscly!

He spotted me and gestured for me to join him behind the camera. I walked over and smiled at him.

"I saw you looking at me." He chuckled as I blushed.

"I was just wondering how this whole camera thing works." I giggled nervously.

"Well, how about I show a pretty girl like you a thing or two?" He winked, making my face turn red once again.

"Sure!" I replied as confidently as I could.

I stood in front of him as he began to show me the controls.

"I'm Evan, by the way." He smiled at me, holding out his hand.

I shook it and replied, "I'm Becca."

"That's a cute name for a cute girl." He smirked as I blushed yet again and looked into the lens.

Riker was staring at Evan with eyes that were as cutting as a knife.

Wait, he's not JEALOUS, is he?

I mean, Evan was only being friendly!

"Ok, guys! Becca here is taking over the photography for a few minutes!" Evan announced, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Strike your best pose!" I giggled as the band did different superhero poses.

After many more photos were taken, the photo shoot was finally over.

"Ok, that's a wrap, guys!" I yelled. Everybody high-fived each other and started to walk back to the dressing rooms, but Riker stayed behind.

"Hey, Bec. Come take a few photos with me!" He exclaimed.

"I don't know, Rik. I mean, what if we get caught playing with the camera?" I asked cautiously.

"Then so be it! I wanna take some pictures with my bestie!" He protested.

I laughed. "Ok, fine!"

I set the camera to timed mode, so every time I clicked the shutter button, it gave us 5 seconds to get into position.

The first few times we just smiled, but after a while we did stupid poses, like crossing our eyes and holding our ears like monkeys.

Riker made me jump on his back and take a picture, and after we'd taken the picture, Riker tripped over his own foot and fell to the floor, taking me with him.

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