Chapter 22: New Houseguests

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*Becca's POV*

After a few rings, Chris finally picked up on the other end of the line.

"Bec! Where've you been?! We've been calling you about a hundred times!"

"I'm sorry! I was out with Riker and his family!" I apologised worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Mom's kicked us out of the house." Chris explained. "We got into this huge argument earlier because we defended you when Mom started talking about you, and eventually she sent us packing!"

I gasped. How could Mom do that?!

"Where are you now?!" I asked.

"We're in a hotel downtown. It's only for one night, so we literally have to find a place to stay real quick!"

Tears pricked my eyes. How could my mother do something like that to her own kids? What's wrong with her?!

"What's the hotel's name, Chris? I'm coming to get you, you can stay with me for a little while." I asked my brother.

"Uh, The Piazza." My brother confirmed the hotel, and I told him I would be over as soon as possible.

I hung up the phone and ran downstairs as fast as I could, jumped into my car and sped to the hotel in the centre of town.

Chris had said him and Natalie were in room 109, so I sprinted upstairs to the 3rd floor, found the room, and knocked sharply.

Chris slowly opened the door, but swung it as he noticed it was me. I immediately pulled him into a huge hug, walking us inside the hotel room and shutting the door with my foot.

"Where's Nat?" I asked him as we pulled apart.

"She's asleep in the bedroom." Chris sighed, pointing to the room adjoining the one we were in.

I walked into the bedroom, Chris at my heels, and saw Natalie asleep, her body facing away from us.

I turned her to face us, and I gasped at what I saw.

Natalie had a black eye, a bruise on her cheek, and several bruises over her arms. I couldn't see the rest of her body.

My lips quivered as my hand covered my mouth.

"What happened?" I managed to get out.

"M-Mom did it." Chris stammered out. "S-She got really angry and took it out on Natalie. Dad didn't do anything to stop her. So I packed our things up and we left as soon as possible."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape. My mother is disgusting.

"Ok, you're coming home with me now. Tomorrow morning, we're going straight down to the Child Protection Services and I'm getting custody of you. You're not staying with Mom and Dad anymore." I told Chris firmly, biting my lip to hold back tears.

Chris just nodded and walked around to the other side of the bed so we could both wake Natalie up.

I shook Natalie's arm lightly and gently since she had bruises all over it. "Nat, Nat, wake up."

Chris did the same on the other side, and Natalie eventually stirred.

She held herself up by her elbows, but fell back down immediately. "Ow." She groaned.

"Try not to move too much, you don't wanna strain your muscles." I told her, helping her out of bed as gently as possible.

We eased Natalie out of bed and I grabbed my brother and sister's things as Natalie hobbled to the door, Chris holding her up.

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