Chapter 37: True Feelings (Part 1)

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*Becca's POV*


I spun around to see the one person I thought I would never see again.


"Bec..." Natalie looked at me with sad eyes. "You're gonna have to talk to him sooner or later..."

"I'd rather do it later." I rushed out as I spun around again and began walking towards my mom's car.

"IF WE DON'T TRY AND WORK THIS OUT, WE'LL NEVER BE FRIENDS AGAIN!" I heard Riker scream from the other end of the sidewalk.

I sighed heavily, shutting my eyes for a few seconds to think about what I was about to do, before slowly walking back towards Natalie.

"Go with Mom, Nat. I'll get a cab home, no need to wait for me." I gave her a nervous smile as she hugged me.

"Don't be scared, everything's gonna work out." She whispered in my ear before pulling away and getting into the Range Rover and driving off.

I was now left alone with Riker.

I started walking towards him and at first I couldn't see him. I looked around, confused, until I felt an arm grab my hand and pull me to the little corner where Natalie and I had previously talked. I gasped, but someone's very familiar chuckle made me calm down.

"Sorry, I thought we needed to go somewhere slightly more private than the middle of the sidewalk." Riker laughed quietly.

"What do you want, Riker?" I folded my arms across my chest and looked down at the floor.

"Look, Bec...I'm so so sorry I didn't believe you when you said you weren't cheating. I misunderstood everything and shouldn't have expected you to cheat in the first place. I'm just...I'm really sorry I fucked up our relationship." Riker's head dropped, and part of me ached to hug me and whisper to him that everything was fine.

"I'm sorry too." I muttered, making Riker look up at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Brad coming. I just-I knew you would be annoyed and may not believe me, so I thought it would be easier not to tell you." I rocked back and forth on my toes and shivered as the cold New York winter air began to set in.

"Are you cold?" Riker asked concernedly. He began taking his sweater off.

"No, Riker, it's ok. I've got a cardigan, but thank you." I smiled slightly and pulled my long thick black cardigan from my bag.

"Hey, I got you that." Riker's eyes lit up as he looked at my cardigan. "I bought it for you for your birthday."

I looked down at it and realised that Riker was right, it was the one he gave me for my birthday. It was the comfiest, warmest cardigan ever and I wore it all the time.

I hugged it to myself lightly. "Well, you have very good taste in girl's fashion."

Riker laughed a little, but his face soon dropped. "So how's your life been?"

"Meh." I shrugged. I wasn't ready to tell Riker about what happened, so I answered shortly but sweetly.

"You been out with anyone since...y'know...we b-broke up?" Riker's voice was broken into stutters by the end of that sentence. Was he that nervous?

I chuckled a little as I backed up against the wall of the concert venue. "Nope. decided I wasn't in the right place and I wasn't ready for another relationship." In another words, I still wanted Riker, but I couldn't tell him that. "How's things with you and your girlfriend? Denise, isn't it?" I tried to prevent my voice from cracking but I couldn't help it. The thought of the boy I loved being with someone else was horrific.

Riker smiled sympathetically, obviously noticing this. "Actually...uh...I broke up with Denise earlier today."

My eyes widened. "What?! Why?!"

Riker's eyes found mine and he stared into them, stepping forwards slightly. "You really wanna know why?"

I nodded, gesturing for him to go on.

Riker took small steps forward as he spoke. "It was because I realised that I was still in love with you."

I was speechless, although my heart was racing and almost beating out of my chest.

So Riker still likes me?!

"Thinking about it, I was just using Denise to try and get over you, but it definitely didn't work since all I've thought about in the last few months is you." Riker continued. By now, he was standing right in front of me. He touched my arm lightly, and I flinched and moved away from Riker slightly.

Riker looked confused and slightly hurt. "What's wrong, Bec?"

It was then I realised that Riker wasn't the boy who attacked me. Riker isn't vile and disgusting and terrifying. Riker is kind, and considerate, and caring and protective. He's perfect, and he's not going to do anything to hurt me.

I sighed wobbly. "Sorry."

"What's happened?" Riker asked protectively. "If someone's hurt you-"

"Riker, you're not my boyfriend anymore, remember that." I sternly told him, making his face drop a little.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to tell Riker.

"Riker, t-there's something I need to tell you." My voice began shaking as I tried to hold back tears.

Riker took a few steps forwards so he was right in front of me once again. "Yeah?"

"A month or so ago, I was walking back f-from a photoshoot and as I got to my car, this boy jumped out of h-his car and started feeling me up and kissing me and...and..." I couldn't carry on. My hands flew up to my mouth and tried to silence the loud sobs that were escaping from it.

Riker pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me as tightly as possible. I cried into his shirt, holding it in my fists.

"'s ok, it's ok. Calm down." Riker whispered in my ear repeatedly.

I calmed down considerably, and tried to regain my breathing. Riker was the only one who could calm me down so quickly.

"What happened then?" Riker asked me quietly, looking down at me.

"I-I...." I choked up again.

"Babe, you've got to tell me."


At this point, I lost it completely.

"I got raped." I sobbed, tears running down my face again as I stuffed my face into Riker's shirt.

A/N: there's part 1 for you! Part 2 should be up very soon!:)

For those of you who have requested imagine and they are not yet published, I'm very sorry! I've been really busy and I'll try and do then asap!

Hope you like it guysss:*

Em :) x

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