Chapter 35: The Big Apple

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*Becca's POV*

It had been a month since the incident. I was now fully recovered from my assault, but my head wasn't in the right mindset at the moment. I would still flinch whenever somebody touched me, and jumped at any little sound.

Amber went back on tour with R5. I practically forced her to go since she wanted to stay with me, but I told her I would be fine on my own. She deserved some fun time.

I also told Amber not to tell anybody, not even the Lynches, about what happened. I didn't want anyone to find out, and the Lynches hated me anyway, so this would probably disgust them even more.

Today I was flying out to New York to visit my family. They'd invited me over since we hadn't seen each other in a long while, so it would be nice to catch up.

I was sitting on the plane listening to music when a girl of around 18 came and sat next to me. I turned my head and smiled at her before turning back to my music.

The girl tapped my shoulder once we'd taken off, and I took my headphones out and faced her, smiling.

"Sorry to bother you, but are you Becca Hudson?" The girl asked, a huge smile on her face.

"Yep I am!" I grinned back at her.

"Oh my god, I love you so much! I'm a huge fan of R5, and you and Riker are so cute together! I ship Recca so much." She was trying not to fangirl, I could tell.

I chuckled slightly, trying to hide my sadness. "Thank you!"

"I heard you guys broke up. I'm really sorry." The girl frowned.

I smiled sadly. "Don't worry about it, it's not important anymore." I changed the subject. "So why are you flying to New York?"

"I have an audition for a dance school in NY, but none of my family could afford to come with me, so I had to come on my own." The girl smiled, and I noticed her large dance bag near her feet. "What about you?"

"I'm going to visit my family. They moved out there a few months ago, and I haven't spoken to them in a while." I beamed. I stuck my hand out towards her. "I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Becca."

The girl laughed since she already knew who I was. "I'm Emma."

"Nice to meet you, Emma."

Myself and Emma talked for the remainder of the flight, and, as well as taking hundreds of selfies, I got her number just in case she needed a makeup artist when she was a famous dancer. She laughed when I told her that.

I hugged her goodbye as I headed to my cab which was take me to my parents' house. I threw my suitcase in the back and climbed in.

I checked my phone, clicking on the Twitter icon.

I flicked through the Tweets before I spotted a picture of myself and Emma on the plane. I smiled as I read the caption.

'@emmashor - met @beccahudson5 today on the plane - actually sat next to her!:0 what an amazing gurl! So beautiful:* #madeanewfriend #planeselfie'

I retweeted the post, typing: '@emmashor it was amazing to meet you! Good luck at the audition!<3'

I scrolled down a little and gulped loudly when I saw a tweet I never thought I would see.

'@rikerr5 - I miss you.'

My heart started beating faster by the second as I realised that tweet could be about me. I was hoping it was about me, because I missed Riker so much, I don't know how I've coped without him.

Then I scrolled through the comments, and my heart was almost wrenching out of my chest.

'Aww, #Renise forever!<3'

'So cute! #Renise is adorable!'

It was about Denise. The tweet was about Denise.

I sighed as I put my phone in my bag just as the driver pulled up outside a humongous house. My jaw almost hit the floor when I looked at it.

The driver laughed. "First time here?"


I paid the driver, tipping him, before heading towards the house, my suitcase in tow.

As I walked up the long driveway, I noticed a bunch of kids walking along the sidewalk, parents behind them, all clad with party hats and goodie bags.

It was then I realised that I'd missed Riker's birthday.

Today was the 18th of November, and Riker's birthday was the 8th.

I pulled the envelope that I had had in my bag for weeks out, looking at it and sighing before stuffing it back in the bag and continuing walking.

Riker's present would have to go to someone else.

*Riker's POV*

"Woah, New York is freezing!" Ross said, pulling his jacket around him tighter.

"Dude, it's like November. No wonder it's cold." Rocky chuckled as he all jumped off the bus.

We were in New York for two days, one for sightseeing and one for playing a show. We were playing the show tomorrow, so today we were just looking around the city and relaxing since we'd had a long few days.

We walked into the hotel, and while my parents checked us in, we all sat on the sofas in the lobby.

Denise had gone home a few days ago to stay with her sister for a while, and even though I should've missed her, I was really surprised that I didn't. Actually, being alone was actually making me miss Becca more, not Denise.

I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw a picture of the girl I hadn't seen for months.

'@emmashor - met @beccahudson5 today on the plane - actually sat next to her!:0 what an amazing gurl! So beautiful:* #madeanewfriend #planeselfie'

It was a picture of Becca and a girl who looked around 17 or 18, smiling for the camera. They looked like they were on a plane, and the hashtag confirmed that.

Where was Becca going?!

I noticed that the girl who had posted the picture sent it from New York.

Wait, is Becca here?! In New York?!

My phone vibrated and I saw that Becca had retweeted the post.

'@emmashor it was amazing to meet you! Good luck at the audition!<3'

I missed Becca.

There. I said it.

I missed Becca so much and I wanted her back.

I needed her, and she needed me.

And, dare I say it, I still loved her.

I loved her so much, and only then I realised it.

I tried to let my feelings out on Twitter by typing: 'I miss you.'

Almost immediately, the fans started commenting things about 'Renise' and how cute it is.

Oh, they think that was about Denise!

No, no, no, that's not right!

There's only one thing I can do in this problem.

Break up with Denise.

A/N: haiiiii bæs :*

Thought I'd try and update todayyyy;p

Hope you liked it!

Em :) x

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