Chapter 42: Sisterly Love

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*Riker's POV*

I knocked on the tour bus door with my foot since I was holding Becca. Rydel answered it, a worried expression plastered on her face.

"She ok?" She asked quietly, and I shrugged, trying not to get too worked up again.

"I'll tell you about it in a minute, lemme put Becca in bed first." I brushed past Rydel and into the tour bus. Nobody was around, they must've all been asleep.

I laid Becca on the sofa and grabbed her pyjamas from the bunk. I slipped off her jeans and put her pyjama pants on, and took off her shirt and replaced it with her pyjama top. I picked her up gently and walked with her to our bunk, and I put her into bed, tucking the quilt in. I brushed a few stray hairs out of her face and kissed her forehead softly before shutting the curtain to the bunk and walking out to talk to Rydel.

"So what happened?" Rydel asked as we both sat down on the sofa. Rydel handed me a mug of hot cocoa that she must've made just now.

I sighed heavily and shakily. "After the meet and greet, everybody went different ways and I went to the dressing room. Becca wasn't in there but her phone was. I took a glance at her phone to see she had clicked on a Twitter message. I quickly picked up her phone and looked at it, and it was a hate message. I scrolled through her Twitter and I saw so many hate comments, but then I saw one which made me the angriest. It said for Becca to go kill herself."

"I, obviously, was really pissed off, but then I started panicking because I couldn't find Becca. I tried to open the bathroom door but I couldn't and then I realised Becca must've been in there. I knocked on the door at first, but when she wasn't answering me I started shouting through the door and banging on it. I grabbed one of your bobby pins that were on the table and opened the lock with that, and when I went in Becca was sitting on the toilet seat sobbing."

"Then I saw your aspirin pills sprawled out everywhere across the floor and my heart literally almost stopped. And then Becca told me what had happened and we both kinda cried to each other, and then we got up and left to come here." I finished. My hands were shaking and tears were waiting to fall.

"Wait, so what was she trying to do?" Rydel asked in a trembling voice.

"S-She tried to kill herself, Del." My voice cracked and Rydel moved over and hugged me tightly as I cried into her neck.

"I was really, really scared, Del. Because if I hadn't have gone in there..." I couldn't finish because fresh tears fell down my face.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Rydel whispered in my ear.

I was taking deep breaths and ever risky my breathing was back to normal and my tears were dried up.

I unlocked myself from Rydel's grasp and smiled sadly at her.

"She's ok." Rydel almost whispered. "She's here. Nothing happened to her. She's ok."

I nodded, hugging Rydel again.

"I'm gonna head to bed now, Del. I kinda need to cuddle with Becca." I laughed, and Rydel joined me.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep too." Rydel replied as we both stood up.

"Thank you, Del." I hugged Rydel again, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"No problem." She smiled at me. "Love you, Rik."

I chuckled a little. "Love you too, Del."

We let go of each other and said goodnight before getting into our separate bunks.

Becca was near to the wall and I had enough room to get in. I pulled the covers over the both of us and wrapped my arms around Becca, pulling her towards me.

I kissed her head lightly before hugging her to my chest again, trying to let sleep take over.

Tonight was probably the scariest night of my life. But I got through it.

Becca's alright. That's all I care about.

A/N: this is kind of a filler chapter, sorry guys:/

Em :) x

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