Chapter 25: Kids Vs Parents

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~A week later~

*Becca's POV*

It had been a week since the confrontation with my parents, and so far, they hadn't bothered us. But I was just waiting for that one knock on the door, and I would see them barging in, causing havoc and wrecking our family.

Riker was doing a day of interviews with the band today, so I decided to spend the day with my brother and sister.

We had been to the park, to the movies and to the ice-cream parlour, where we each got their famous 8-scoop ice-cream sundae, and now we were back at the apartment watching TV.

Just as we began watching another old re-run of 'Friends', there was a loud banging on my front door, making me flinch and Natalie and Chris look at me in confusion.

"Ok, guys, don't panic, but I think that's Mom and Dad coming to find you." I told them, almost bursting into tears at their scared expressions.

"Don't panic?! Of course we're panicking, Bec! Shit, what are we gonna do?" Chris started pacing up and down the living room floor.

Natalie looked over at me with terrified eyes as yet another series of loud bangs could be heard on my door. "Bec, I'm scared. I don't want Mom to hurt me again."

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna let that happen, ok?" She nodded frantically. I pulled Chris into the hug, and we stood there for a minute or so, just hugging.

"Whatever happens, just know I love you guys, alright?" I said shakily, holding back tears by biting my lip.

"I love you too." My brother and sister replied simultaneously as I pulled away from the hug and slowly walked over to the door.

I opened it slowly, but soon sprung back as my dad pushed it open forcefully.

"Ok, so you didn't tell us the first time, so we're back again. Where are my kids?" My mom got straight to the point.

"Th-They're here." I pointed to the living room, and my parents ran to them.

"HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!" My mom screamed at Chris and Natalie, making me angry and stomp over to them.

"They had every reason to leave, Mom. You resorted to physical abuse when you didn't get what you want, and that proves what a selfish, self-centred, awful person you are. And you aren't any better, Dad. You could've at least tried to stop Mom, but no, you just stood and watched her, automatically backing her up." I stated calmly, remembering what Riker had told me a few days back.

"Don't lower to their level, your weaknesses will come out and you're vulnerable. They can attack through that. Just keep calm."

"No, they're the selfish ones, not wondering who much stress they cause us! Selfish little shits, the lot of you." My dad retorted, pointing at all of us.

Natalie, Chris hand I were standing on one side of the room, my parents on the other. It was as if an invisible wall was preventing us from crossing each other's paths.

"Don't you realise that you're being really bad parents?! You scream in our faces, then you hit Natalie, plus you tried to kill me! You have no reason to verbally and physically abuse your own children, and until I find a reasonable explanation as to why this keeps happening, Chris and Natalie are staying with me. We are going to try and try to get the Child Protection Services to give me custody, and when they do, I'll put a restraining order on you. So think about what you do, ok?" I breathe out after this long statement.

I was prepared to try as hard as I could to get custody of my sister and brother. I had visited the CPS office, but they said my argument was invalid as I didn't have my parents' side of the story. But I was willing to try and fight for Natalie and Chris to get away from my hateful parents.

My parents just stood in front of me, completely speechless.

A small smirk rose to my face as I saw this.

"Cat got your tongue? Or have you just ran out of despicable remarks?" I sneered.

My mother's face grew red with anger. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Now you listen here, young lady." My mother walked towards me, so close that our noses were almost touching. "Despite the fact you're 22, so you're not a minor, you cannot get custody of my own kids. What I'm doing is for your own good. That is my reasonable explanation for you."

"But how is that even reasonable?! Hitting me isn't gonna make me behave or teach me how to be more ladylike!" Natalie chirped up behind me.

"I think you guys should leave. You've caused too much damage to this family as it is, we don't need anymore or we're gonna break." Chris added, coming behind me and placing a hand on the small of my back, guiding me backwards to where him and Natalie were originally standing.


"Do you know whose made Natalie and Chris like this?" My mom spoke again, turning her attention to me and pointing at me. "YOU, Rebecca Hudson. You. You're selfishness and thoughts of doing whatever you want has influenced our children."

I was taken aback. How was this MY fault?!

"This is ridiculous." I laughed slightly, shaking my head. "So now you're telling me that this whole pile of shit is my fault?! Well, let me tell you something, Mom. It's not me, it's you. It's you and Dad who have made Natalie and Chris scared. It's you two who have made ME scared. So congratulations. You've officially scarred your children. I hope you're happy with yourselv-"

I couldn't finish the sentence because I was cut off by my mother's hand flying out and hitting my cheek, sending endless waves of pain through my skin.

And that's when everything went black.


I hope this was ok guys!


People are saying that Ross and Laura have argued or something and that's why they weren't together at all in the RDMAS. I don't really think that's the case. They were actually together backstage when R5 did their victory dance, plus Ross had to be with Maia Mitchell for interviews and photos because of the news that TBM2 is happening. So ya, I don't really think they've argued.

But that's my opinion! Let me know what you guys think in the comments!

Love you all!<3

Em :) x

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