Chapter 28: Personality Change

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~1 month later~

*Becca's POV*

It had been a month since the announcement that I would not get full custody of Natalie and Chris, and today was the day they were going back to my parents.

My parents had been going to counselling for the past month, and had apparently got gradually better. In other words, they were cuckoo anymore.

I'd told Riker and the rest of the Lynches about my non-existent custody, and they were all full of sympathy.

In the past month, I'd tried to make Natalie and Chris's stay as memorable as possible. We'd been to carnivals, had movie nights, we'd even been to DisneyLand for a week!

But despite the fact I couldn't do anything about it, deep down I was crushed. I didn't want my brother and sister going back to a home where they felt unsafe and insecure, and I hoped that my parents would still let me see them.

Anyway, I was currently in Natalie and Chris's room, helping them pack their things into the tiny suitcases that they had brought with them on their first adventure away from home. Riker was with us, helping as much as he could. He had been so supportive over the last few weeks. He was honestly the best boyfriend ever.

I checked the time on my phone: 4:30pm. I sighed heavily and shakily.

"Guys, we've gotta leave in 10 minutes. You sure you've both got everything?" I asked my brother and sister, who checked their suitcases before shutting them and nodding, small smiles on their faces.

Riker wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I felt his lips on my head for a few seconds. He wasn't attempting to speak, just trying to make his presence felt by me. I smiled a sad smile up at him.

"I'm gonna go slip my shoes on, I'll be two minutes." I told my sister and brother, and they nodded as I pulled Riker out of the guest bedroom and into my bedroom.

I pulled on my navy Vans in silence, checking myself over in the mirror: I had a pair of pastel blue shorts on with a white tank top, which was tied at the bottom. My hair was down and curly, and I had simple makeup on: foundation, bronzer, mascara and a light pink lip gloss.

"Bec." Riker called to me, but I didn't reply. I sat on the bed, zoned out and in my own little world.

"BEC!" I snapped out of my trance to see Riker in front of me, distressed and almost red in the face with fear.

He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap for a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and leant my head on his chest. His arms were around me tightly.

"C'mon babe, talk to me." He whispered in my ear.

I sighed slightly. "I'm just scared. I don't want Nat and Chris going to live with people who scare them or make them feel uncomfortable. It would break my heart to see them living in fear."

Riker's hands moved up and down my back comfortingly.

"Everything's gonna be ok." He told me, lifting my head so we were eye to eye.

He kissed my cheek softly before wrapping me up in a hug once again.

I heard a knock on the door, making me pull away from Riker slightly.

"Bec, it's 4:45. We've gotta go." Chris announced, and I nodded silently, climbing off Riker and smiling at my sister and brother slightly as the four of us walked downstairs to my car, Natalie and Chris pulling their small luggage with them.

We drove in silence, only the low him of music quietly coming out of the speakers. Riker had a firm grip on my hand, squeezing it every so often.

I hadn't noticed that my eyes were warring until I'd parked in the drive of my old house. I turned around and smiled slightly at my siblings.

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