Chapter 17: I Love You

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*Rydel's POV*

It was 8:30pm, and I was starting to get worried. Riker had said he would be back from his date with Becca at 8pm at the latest, yet he still wasn't back.

I started pacing up and down the hallway, thinking about everything that could've happened to them, when Ross came rushing in.

"Del, come here." His face was pale and he looked as if he was going to start to cry at any moment. I followed him into the living room, where Rocky was sitting with his head in his hands, Ryland was just staring into space and Mom was sobbing, Dad trying to comfort her.

"What happened?!" I asked, shocked.

"Rydel, honey, you may wanna sit down." Dad said with a solemn face.

I perched next to Rocky and Ross sat on the other side of me.

"Rydel, R-Riker and Becca were in a c-car accident." My mom managed to get out between sobs. "T-the doctors said it's r-really s-serious." Fresh floods of tears fell down my mother's face.

My hands flew up to cover my mouth as tears began to fall down my face. Ross put his arm around me and I cried into his shoulder for a while.

"Why Riker?" I sobbed loudly into Ross's shoulder, clutching his shirt in my hands.

After a long while I calmed down, and Mom said we had to go to the hospital to see Riker and Becca.

We all sloped miserably to the van and we drove to the hospital in silence, only the occasional sobs filling the muted car ride.

We ran inside and Dad started to talk to the receptionist.

"Riker Lynch and Rebecca Hudson?"

The receptionist looked at her files before turning back to my dad.

"Mr.Lynch is on the second floor, first door on the right, and Miss.Hudson is on the second floor, fourth door to the left." She replied in a soothing voice, gesturing to the stairs.

We ran up them and got to the never-ending hallway, and walked into Riker's room.

Riker was lying in the hospital bed, asleep, and Becca was sitting next to him, tear-stains embedded on her face.

It was then I noticed that Becca had her left arm plastered in a cast, stitches in her hair, bruises all over her right arm, and that she was in a wheelchair.

"Oh my god, Bec!" I ran over to her and hugged her as gently as possible, trying not to hurt her. "What happened?!"

"You all had better sit down." Becca sighed as she wheeled the wheelchair around a little to give us space to sit on the hard hospital chairs.

"Bec, why are you in a wheelchair?" Ryland asked.

"Oh! In the crash, I sprained both my legs, so the doctors thought it would be easier to wheel around in this than struggle with crutches." She said shakily, as if about to cry.

"Ok, so we were driving home from our date, and we were stopped at a traffic light, and this stupid truck came speeding round the corner and it couldn't slow down and it slammed into us." Becca began to tell the dramatic tale.

"I got knocked out completely, and woke up about an hour ago. The doctor said that I had suffered sprained legs, a broken arm, some severe gashes on my head, multiple bruising, and a small spinal injury."

"But Riker's condition was worse. The truck hit his side of the car and he also got knocked out but he broke both of his arms because he was holding the steering wheel when the truck hit. The doctors diagnosed him with a small amount of whiplash and some cuts and bruises too."

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